hopeless romantic
Bart LaRue

This Is Why Hopeless Romantics Are The Best People To Fall In Love With

They will fight like hell for you. They will fight for your relationship and fight for anything that you believe in as well. They aren't going to give up on you. They are the kind of people who give their full hearts, they never half ass anything. And they especially don't half ass love. 


hopeless romantic
Bart LaRue

Hopeless romantics are the kind of people who see sunshine in hurricanes. They aren’t dumb, or naive, or stupid, they just believe in true love.

Hopeless romantics are the best possible people that you can fall in love with. They are givers, not takers. Their hearts are full of so much they have to offer. And they are just waiting for that right person to come along and sweep them off of their feet. 

Hopeless romantics are the type of people who don’t give up on anything. This means that they will fight like hell for you. They will fight for your relationship and fight for anything that you believe in as well. They aren’t going to give up on you. They are the kind of people who give their full hearts, they never half ass anything. And they especially don’t half ass love.

Hopeless romantics are the type of people who don’t take no for an answer. Like Noah from the Notebook. Like any story about true love. They know that love isn’t always easy. That it takes mountains and mountains to climb. They know that love is hard.

But they will fight like hell for it because they know what they can give. And they know that love is truly worth the risk and the heartaches and the pain.

Hopeless romantics are usually known to be living in a fantasy world. They are assumed to be clingy or psycho or just plain idiots. They are assumed to be dumb enough to believe that love is even possible.

But don’t you think hopeless romantics are the type of people that we need more of in this world?

So go ahead and fall in love with a hopeless romantic. Fall and fall again and you’ll realize too that they are so worth loving. And you’ll realize that maybe their outlook on love and life is right after all.

Don’t be cynical. Don’t be pessimistic about your love life. It can happen. It will happen. As long as you don’t close yourself to people that can actually give you what you need and want. As long as you don’t close yourself off to people who truly are capable of loving you whole heartedly.

Hopeless romantics may be living in an alternate universe, a dream world, or in a Disney movie. But that’s a heck of a lot better way to live than to be so terrified. that’s a heck of a lot better way to live than to be so closed off from your own heart.

So open your heart up to someone who sees a future with you. Open your heart up to someone who sees the capability of a life with you. And open up your heart to people who actually believe in a little thing called love.  Thought Catalog Logo Mark