This Is Why You Need To Let Him Go

Norman Toth
Norman Toth

You need to let him go because he isn’t the same person you used to love. He isn’t the same person who used to smile you at adoringly, intertwining his fingers in your small hands. He isn’t the guy who has your heart. He’s the guy who stole your heart.

You need to let him go because he isn’t going to come back to you. No matter how hard you push for it to happen and no matter how much you pray.

And even if he does come back? He won’t stay very long. That’s just who he is, it has nothing to do with you.

Because the guy who leaves will always be the one who runs. He will be always be the kind of guy to make you believe that he is earnest and that he is kind. But he’s just a coward. You’re the brave one. You’re the one who matters.

He isn’t the special one in this equation. He isn’t the one who needs to be worshipped. He isn’t the one who needs to be adored. 

A guy like him is a guy who takes and takes. He doesn’t give anything back. He won’t think of anybody but himself. But you can’t see that yet. You don’t know that yet. Because he has you so wrapped up in his cold heart. He has for awhile now.

Truth be told, he doesn’t deserve the love you keep giving him. He doesn’t deserve the home that you have made in his heart. He doesn’t deserve your beauty and your passion. Because he isn’t the guy who stays. He’s the guy who leaves without a reason why.

He’s the guy who doesn’t care who he destroys along the way, as long as he is succeeding. He’s the guy who doesn’t care who he hurts, as long as he himself is happy.

You need to let him go because one day you are going to meet someone who make this guy seem dull and gray. You’ll meet someone who sees you in bright and bold colors, instead of watered down pen markings. You’ll meet someone who actually treats you with the dignity and respect that you have deserved all along.

Because this guy that you are still hung up on? This guy that you still desperately want? He’s doing just fine. He’s up there in his bedroom strumming on his guitar not thinking of you. He’s out there partying with friends, not thinking of you. He’s up there working his 9-5 lame job, still, not thinking of you.

You keep making up fantasies in your head. You keep wondering about what he’s doing and whether or not he’s thinking of you. You keep making him up to be a saint. When really, he’s just a joke.

He’s not stuck on you anymore. He’s too obsessed with himself to even bother. 

You need to let him go because he’s not worthy of the love you give him. He’s not worthy of the lust you give him. He’s not worthy of being in your head all day long.

But mostly, you need to let him go for your own sake. For the sake of your sanity. For the sake of your well-being and your good heart. You need to let him go to start loving yourself more than you love him. You need to let him go to start to live a life that you want, instead of living a life that you despise.

You need to let him go to show yourself that you can do it. To prove to yourself that you are better off without him. To let yourself be ok, with just you. 

You need to let him go to show him that you don’t need him anymore. To show everyone who doubted you, that you are capable of living a full life without him. And you need to let him go to finally start believing in yourself again.  To show them all that even if he took away pieces of your heart? He didn’t take away your hope. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Lauren Jarvis-Gibson

For more poetry and writing follow me on Instagram!

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