This Is The Type Of Person You Need To Wait For (If You Ever Want A Shot At Finding True Love)


Do not settle for your first love who you have nothing in common with anymore. Do not settle for your college boyfriend, who never really wanted a relationship in the first place. Don’t settle for ‘maybes’ and for someone who only cared a little bit for you. Don’t settle for half-hearted love. Ever.

Wait for the type of person who makes your insides light up at the very thought of them. Wait for the type of person who makes you feel like you are truly walking on air, whenever you are in their presence. Wait for the person who makes you see the world in a different light. Who makes you see the world as something that is not meant to harm you.

Wait for the type of person who fights for you. Who doesn’t let you run away from them in fear of loss. Who grabs ahold your hand and tells you with so much strength and confidence that they aren’t going anywhere.

Wait for the person who makes you believe that you deserve someone like them.

Wait for the person who loves the ugly parts of you that no one wanted to see before. For the person who wants to know your secrets that you’ve never even said to yourself. Wait for the person who kisses each flaw on your body and in your mind, and who doesn’t wince when they look at those imperfections. Wait for the type of person who adores every bone in your body, despite the cracks and bruises.

Wait for the type of person who doesn’t want to just ‘fuck’ you. Wait for the type of person who instead, wants to kiss the blues out of you and wants to wrap your body in their generous arms. Wait for the type of person who will want to make you as happy as you make them, and wait for the type of person who knows that you need adoration, not just someone to sleep with.

Wait for the type of human being who has kind eyes and a gentle soul. For the type of human being who speaks to you in love and touches you in soft curiosity.

Wait for the kind of human being who you can argue with and plead with and fight with. Who you can have ups and downs with, but you know deep down that the bond between you both is already too deep to back out now. Wait for the type of human being who shapes you into becoming a better person for them and especially for yourself. Wait for the person who you can have arguments with because they truly, deeply care about you and your well-being.

Wait for the one who understands your quirks and your everyday habits. Wait for the one who loves the way you talk too fast, or bites your nails too much. Wait for the one who tells you that they will never go, and wait for the one who you can actually believe in every word that they say to you.

Wait for the person who becomes your ‘person’. Who you can trust with your whole soul. And you can deeply adore, more than you ever thought was possible. Wait for the person who becomes not only your lover, but your best friend. The one who nourishes you and fills your heart with so much joy and love for life. Wait for the one who promises to stay, and who actually keeps that promise. Wait for the one who stays and who transforms your life into something you never imagined in your wildest of dreams. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Lauren Jarvis-Gibson

For more poetry and writing follow me on Instagram!

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