Seth Doyle

In 2017 — Be Your Own Light

Let 2017 be the year where you finally acknowledge how special you are. And no matter your relationship status, your income amount, the kind of car you drive in, the kind of home you live in and the kind of family you come from, you know in your heart that you are so incredibly worthy.


Seth Doyle
Seth Doyle

2016 was a year of stumbling. It was a year of trembling hands, of worn out hearts and of tired eyes. 2016 was a year of heartbreaks, of tragedies, and of loss that felt like the end of the world.

2016 was a year of working so hard and feeling like you were getting nowhere. 2016 was a year of working tirelessly night after night, and still feeling like a failure. 2016 was a year spent ignoring what we all truly wanted. Of ignoring our gut instincts. And of settling for less than we deserve.

Don’t let 2017 be a year filled with regret.

Let 2017 be the year of shining a thousand suns too brightly, of breathing in every single moment, and of truly living.

Let 2017 be the year that you actually focus on yourself. Let it be the year that you finally do what you have put off for so long. It’s not the time now to ignore your feeling. It’s not the time now to put yourself to the side, letting other people take center stage.

In 2017, be your own light. And be your own hero.

Let 2017 be the year of new experiences and new challenges. But let it be the year where you don’t let those obstacles get in the way of your own happiness. Let it be the year you finally let go of the fear of failure. And let it be the year where you keep climbing and you keep running, no matter how tough the journey may become.

Let 2017 be the year where you finally can look in the mirror and love every part of you. Let 2017 be the year where you fuck body standards, and tell the world that yes, you are goddamn beautiful

Let 2017 be the year where you finally acknowledge how special you are. And no matter your relationship status, your income amount, the kind of car you drive, the kind of home you live in and the kind of family you come from, you know in your heart that you are so incredibly worthy.

You are worthy of greatness. You are worthy of the dreams that you have planted deep into your soul. You are worthy of the greatest love in the world. You are worthy of love for yourself.

Let this year be the year you put yourself first. Let it be the year where you say ‘no’ to people who treat you like crap, and let it be the year you become your own soulmate.

Let 2017 be the year of you. The year you become your own sun, your own moon, and your own nightlight. Let 2017 be the year you fail, but keep on going. The year you fall, and keep on flying. The year you fall in love with yourself, and with your beautiful life.

Let 2017 be the year you become in charge of your world. And let it be the year where you finally become your number one fan. Thought Catalog Logo Mark