To The People Who Continue To Love Us When We Are At Our Worst

Thank you for the hugs when you know something is wrong even when we don't tell you anything. And thank you for the memories that we can reminisce about together, until we make even greater memories.



To all the people who still love us at our most vulnerable, and at our most hideous state, thank you.

Thank you for telling us to get the fuck up when we are wasting our days crying in our beds. Thank you for giving us tough love when you know we need it most. And thank you for slapping some makeup on us to make us look a tiny bit better when tears won’t stop rolling down our eyes.

Thank you for giving us tissues when our boyfriend breaks up with us out of the blue on a Tuesday. Thank you for giving us a shoulder to lean on when we ask a million question about what we did wrong or where it went south.

Thank you for reassuring us that it wasn’t our loss. It was theirs.

Thank you for telling us when a boy we meet is trouble and that we need to stay away from him. Thank you for yelling at us when we go and meet up with them anyway and end up hurt just like you said we would. Thank you for not judging us when we tell you that we kissed them and liked it. And than you for letting us sleep in your bed when he never calls back.

Thank you for giving us your last bite of cake when you know we need it more than you do. Thank you for dancing on top of tables alongside us with too much wine in our glasses, and laughing hysterically while we sing at the top of our lungs off tune. And thank you for giving us extra strength tylenol and tea when we wake up the next morning with a nasty hangover.

Thank you for loving us despite our downfalls and our negative traits.

Thank you for adoring us when we don’t have anyone else to adore us. Thank you for the pep talks before exams, and the encouraging phone calls before first dates. Thank you for the hugs when you know something is wrong even when we don’t tell you anything.

Thank you for the memories that we can reminisce about together until we make even greater memories.

And thank you for loving us when we are the worst people in the universe who give you every reason to walk out on us. Thank you for standing by our side. And thank you for never giving up on us despite our thoughtless actions.

Thank you for the unconditional love. Always. Thank you for always believing in us we stop believing in our dreams. And thank you for loving us, when we can’t even bear to love ourselves. Thought Catalog Logo Mark