60 Things To Do Instead Of Texting Him When You’re Lonely
![istockphoto.com / Believe_In_Me](https://thoughtcatalog.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/24874479646_d044b2803f_o.jpg?w=1140)
1. Clean your room.
2. I mean really clean it.
3. Do all of your laundry.
4. Call your friends.
5. Call your mom.
6. Watch “500 Days Of Summer.”
7. Listen to Ed Sheeran.
8. Lip sync to “You Belong With Me” By Taylor Swift.
9. In your underwear.
10. Paint with watercolors.
11. Make a “tattoo” Pinterest board.
12. Read more articles on Thought Catalog.
13. Like this one here.
14. Read your old diaries.
15. Write a song.
16. Look through old photo albums.
17. Delete your old pictures on Facebook.
18. Reorganize your bookshelf.
19. Go to a cafe by yourself.
20. Get something yummy, like a Vanilla Chai Latte.
21. Spend five hours at Target.
22. Binge watch Buzzfeed videos.
23. The “Try Guys” is the best series on there.
24. Go pet your dog.
25. Chat with your neighbor you haven’t seen in a while.
26. Take a steaming hot shower.
27. Go to an exercise class that you keep putting off.
28. Go to a winery. Seriously.
29. Memorize a Nicki Minaj rap.
30. Stalk Selena Gomez’s Instagram because it is LIT.
31. Take a bath with lovely scented oils.
32. Clean out your closet.
33. Play with all of your makeup.
34.Go online to buy new makeup.
35. Have a beer with your dad.
36. And actually talk to him.
37. Go to the movies with your sister.
38. Buy the biggest tub of popcorn there.
39. Learn new yoga poses.
40. Organize your apps on your phone.
41. Go on an unfriending spree on Facebook.
42. Make sure your ex is blocked or unfriended.
43. Go to a McDonalds drive thru to get some fries.
44. Prepare a really nice meal for yourself.
45. Open up a new fresh bottle of wine.
46. Watch the new season of “Orange Is The New Black”.
47. Watch the news.
48. Read the newspaper for once. And not just the comic section.
49. Catch up with old childhood friends.
50. Take a walk outside.
51. Breathe in your hurt and heartache, and breathe it all out.
52. Take a nap.
53. Get a meditation app on your phone.
54. Make a bonfire.
55. Re-organize your room.
56. Ask your mom about her childhood.
57. Tell your loved ones you love them.
58. Give your grandparents a call.
59. Watch puppy videos on youtube.
60. Smile.