23 Reasons Why Hardcore ‘Directioners’ Are The Best People To Be Around

1. Hardcore One Direction fans can get through anything. They survived the Taylor era and the the Zayn Malik departure, so if you need ANYTHING, count them in
2. They are loyal. No one has stick around for so long, even now that the guys are on a break they keep checking on them and voting for awards. Let’s be honest no other fandom does that.
3. They can be the greatest team that the world has ever seen. The fandom and the boys are one, they will always love them and support whatever decision they will make (you know even if they might break up or anything.)
4. They could probably work for the CIA. So if you ever need anything, or need to find out about where that cute crush of yours live, just ask to your Harry’s number one friend fan, she will find out EVERYTHING about the guy in less than 1 hour.
5. They have the best humour. I promise they will make you laugh SO HARD you will have to hold your stomach. They know those boys so well they are allowed to make fun of them, and some of the memes you will find on the internet are simply to die for.
6. They are passionate about writing. Yes fan fictions aren’t a proper “book classic” or the best bestsellers out there, but some of those girls (and boys!) can write! And they are really good at it.
7. That being said, they also have the best imaginations. They will make up the best stories and scenarios including the boys, which will help you make it trough a long boring day, and hey one’s allowed to dream right?
8. They are generous. The boys are always involved with some charities and their fans are always following their example, donating money or raising founds for amazing campaigns like the Malala Fund they done for Harry’s 22nd birthday.
9. They are helpful and nice. James Corden asked on Twitter to get some votes for an award this past winter and the 1D’s fans really got very helpful about the case. In return we got that amazing thing called Carpool Karaoke.
10. They are the best fun for road trips. They will tell you that what makes you beautiful is boring and too old, but if it plays at the radio they will turn it up, all volume and start singing at the top of their lounges. By the end of the day tho you will know every single One Direction’s song ever. (It will be fun, I promise.)
11. They have an amazing memory. They remember and can quote anything the lads said or did in 2010 on the Xfactor, or what’s Louis’s favourite word and how many tattoos Liam has and exactly where.
12. Their love is hard and strong. So when they get attached to you it means they really love you. All the love, as always.
13. They got style(s). They take the best bits and bobs from the boys style and they try to replicate for themselves. They never got out of style, right?
14. They will defend you at all cost. They care about you like they care about the boys, so if maybe sometimes you’re not totally right, they will stick by your side anyway.
15. They’re super enthusiastic. They will make you discover all the underrated best songs that haven’t been released as singles and you will totally fall in love with those songs like they did.
16. They are athletic and into fitness. They’ve learned from the best idols. So they can totally tell you what SoulCycle is or where to do the best Pilates classes in London. They care about your health just like they care about the boys.
17. They eat clean and they’ve all tried to do a juice cleanse at least once. It’s good for you and also don’t forget kale.
18. They know how to have fun and throw the best sleepover. Which includes all the 1D’s movies, including the Up all Night tour, karaoke and sing along to the dvds, the boys’s face masks and probably some makeup beauty videos from the boys’s make up artist Lou Teasdale.
19. They are the best ones to go to concert with. The know which seats to get, where to stand to get closer to the boys and boy, oh boy they can scream and singing very loud.
20. They will make you part of a big deal. That means a lot to them, and it will be a nice adventure. There will be tears but it will be worth it.
21. They have the best “storage” on their computer, and they are very organized. Pictures are divided per year as well as videos, quotes and interviews. If you need help with homework just ask, they are probably amazing.
22. They will tell you everything about Basquiat, sport cars or football. They care about the boy’s passions, so they will share them with you. In the end it’s more general knowledge for you, and who doesn’t want to be a bit more intellectual?
23. They are simply and easily the best. I couldn’t ask for better friends to have around.