Be The Girl Who Walks Away
Be the girl who has courage;
Be the girl who walks away.
Be the girl who is able to muster up the strength to leave a toxic relationship.
Be the girl who walks away from the man in her life that makes her feel bad about herself every time he is around.
Be the girl who walks away from the friend who takes more than she gives to others;
The girl who tries to make everyone happy but often forgets about herself.
Be the girl who finally stands up and one day chooses to walk away;
who chooses to walk away from that toxic person who is wearing her down.
Please do not be the girl who stays.
Far too often we stay with people who are not good for us,
Far too often we stay with family members who treat us poorly,
Far too often we forgive and forgive others instead of setting boundaries.
We try to take the high road and choose our battles,
We try to forgive others and forget the hurt instead of acknowledging and accepting the reality of who people truly are.
Please be the girl who stands up for herself.
Please be the girl who realizes what she deserves.
Please be the girl who chooses the life she wants and doesn’t settle for anything less.
Please be the girl who walks away from anything that doesn’t bring her happiness and wholeness in her life.
Far too often we girls are told to stick it out, to try to fight for the relationship, to try to keep the peace;
after fighting for something for so long and losing yourself in the process, we simply need to walk away.
When you become the girl who walks away, you create a life of your own.
When you become the girl who walks away, you become more independent and can learn what you really want in this precious life.
Please don’t be the girl who stays longer than she should.
Please don’t be the girl who gives years and years of her life to someone who doesn’t give anything back.
Please, be the girl who walks away, with her head held up as high as her integrity.