25 Hoarding Photos That Will Make You Feel Better About Your Life
You didn't think we were just going to address human poo, did you? Hoarder's homes are like mini Noah's Arks of poo.
Lady Goodman
Because sometimes the only thing to do when you’re feeling down on yourself for not doing something well is to look at other people who are doing it way worse than you so you can feel superior. (Don’t act like there is any other point to watching this show.)
This woman owns 300 pigs in a non-selling-them-for-bacon-they-are-my-friends kind of way. They live in her house.

The moldy food bowl is like JV hoarding.

Those are bags of poop. I wish I could tell you they would be the last bags on poop in this list.

That time you and your roommate pretended the dishes weren’t even a thing for a whole week is starting to look less egregious.

Unholy nightmare.

More poo. Shooting out of bags, onto walls, NBD.

Even more poo.

Not poo, but still not great.

Dead cats, in case you can’t tell. Because they’re extra decaying.

Blurry honorable mention: a whole bathroom basically overflowing with poo. There’s a toilet in there somewhere.

When “who forgot to take out the recycling?” goes wrong.

If you’ve never had a dude in a hazmat suit remove hundreds of NEEDLES from your bedroom floor, you at least kind of have your shit together.

Dear ex-roommate who complained when I poured kale juice down the sink and didn’t rinse thoroughly enough: It could have been worse. I’m guessing that’s not kale juice.

I mean, who doesn’t have a bucket of roaches in their kitchen?

Ugh. Cannot deal with the feels of seeing signs that kids live in these places.

Worst places in a hoarder’s house: bathroom, kitchen sink, and refrigerator. Oh dear god, the refrigerators.

LOL you didn’t think we were just going to address human poo, did you? Hoarder’s homes are like mini Noah’s Arks of poo.

Black widow. We’re done here.

Side note: Why do we always end up watching Hoarders and it’s poo-covered pal Hoarding: Buried Alive while we’re hungover and already on the verge of throwing up?