These Are The Moon Signs Who Have The Hardest Time Expressing Their Emotions
Giorgio Trovato

These Are The Moon Signs Who Have The Hardest Time Expressing Their Emotions

Aquarius: You want the freedom to express things, but emotions are a bit more uncontrollable than you’d like.



You’re known to be a bit reserved, and it can make you seem completely devoid of emotions. While you certainly have feelings, you don’t really see the point of expressing them unless it’s to meet a goal or move forward in some way. Even then, you’re still not going to feel comfortable doing so- it will be out of necessity.


You have so much intensity and emotion that it can often overwhelm you at times. Yet expressing those emotions is something different altogether. The moon reflects our inner world and Scorpios prefer to keep everything internalized. You don’t show your vulnerable side easily- you may reveal certain layers, but mostly keep things under wraps. You know if you let the floodgates open, it will be impossible to keep everything from spilling out.


You can express how you feel- but only in a rational, practical way. You can communicate your emotions, but also have a hard time really just feeling them. You prefer to pick apart and analyze the feeling to understand it. You have a hard time understanding why others just allow their emotions to flow out of them because it feels too messy and uncontrolled.


You want the freedom to express things, but emotions are a bit more uncontrollable than you’d like. You love to talk about your passions, but your actual emotions don’t interest you as much. You would prefer to fixate on other things, and your need for independence makes establishing an emotional connection feel a little too tethered. It can be done, but it doesn’t come as naturally as others would probably like.


You have a fiery energy where you have little issue expressing the more optimistic emotions, but you’ll avoid negative ones at all costs. It confuses people who perceive you as so easy-going, but in order to keep that vibe up, you don’t sit with your emotions- much less express them. You prefer to distract yourself and keep pressing forward to something else that is easier to deal with.