This Is How Understanding Your Type Will Change Your Life, Based On Your Myers-Briggs Personality Type

This Is How Understanding Your Type Will Change Your Life, Based On Your Myers-Briggs Personality Type

ENFP: You will understand why you always seek more out of your life.

You’re known to be excitable and have a thirst for life. You love to look at every possible side to any situation, and it gives you an edge in helping yourself, and others see in a more precise way. You also know that you’ve continuously wrestled with the idea that despite how great things are right now, there is something else out there that could be even better. Understanding your Myers-Briggs type will provide you some answers as to why you’re always seeking out the next new concept. You’ll also grasp a better understanding of why you see the best in others and are more than willing to take a chance on them if you feel they are worth it. You’ll also understand better why you shy away from tradition and always have a desire to break free from old patterns to make way for the new!

INFP: You will understand what causes you to connect with others so intensely.

You are known to be emotionally aware and empathetic with those you come into contact. You’re more than aware that if someone expresses their happiness, hurt, frustration, or anger, you feel it along with them on an incredibly realistic level. While this can be incredible in relational connection, you also know you’ve found yourself taken advantage of more than once due to your empathetic nature. Understanding your Myers-Briggs type will give you some insight as to why you deeply connect on an emotional level with everyone around you. You’ll grasp a clearer understanding as to what causes you to connect to others deeply and why understanding others entirely is so important to you. You’ll also grasp a better understanding as to why you get incredibly angry and defensive towards insensitive and close-minded people.

ENTP: You will understand why you’re never fully satisfied with what you have.

You are an endless factory of ideas and thoughts, and you thoroughly enjoy taking action to make those things happen. However, you have been confronted more than once (by others or yourself) that once the newness wears off, you’re apt to jump to the next new idea that you conjure up. Following this pattern tends to leave you always feeling unsatisfied. Understanding your Myers-Briggs type will allow you to recognize why you not only entertain a rapid-fire stream of ideas simultaneously, but what causes you to take action to make those things a reality. You’ll also gain a better insight as to why you rebel at authority and feel the need to bolt when your freedom is threatened.

INTP: You will understand why you have a hard time relating to others.

You are intelligent and love to break down concepts to understand them better. You’ve likely recognized your tendency to analyze everything around you and look at things from an objective lens. You have an appetite for learning and understanding, and you aren’t one to shy away from a new theory or concept. However, you might have consistently hit a roadblock in trying to form emotional relationships with others, whether they are romantic or otherwise. You’re aware that you have emotions, but you are more comfortable in expressing things through logic and concrete facts than feelings and emotional language. Understanding your Myers-Briggs type can give you the information you need as to not only why you have a preference for practical logic, but also why you feel incredibly uncomfortable expressing yourself emotionally. You’ll be able to find better ways to work on your weaknesses and explain your strengths to others in a more concise way- and who wouldn’t want that?

ESFJ: You will understand why you go out of your way to make everyone else happy.

You have a heart for others, and if you ever notice someone who is in need of a friend, you won’t hesitate to reach out to them. You also find that you’re often trying to serve a more “heroic” role in people’s lives- one where you help those in need and appreciate you for it. Understanding your Myers-Briggs type can help you notice the patterns in your life that draw you towards those who need help, as well as give you some insight as to how you can still care for others without forsaking your own needs. You’ll also better understand why you can be severely critical of others who don’t share your views, and why you can be tempted to manipulate others for your gain.

ISFJ: You will understand why you can be a bit of a pushover, and how to work past it.

You are known to be a loyal caretaker and heavily dedicated to any cause that ensures you care for your loved ones. You value others and interpersonal harmony so much that it can leave you open to being walked on and pushed to the side. Understanding your Myers-Briggs type can shine some light on why this happens. It can help you recognize why you like to stick to traditions and patterns that have proven themselves in the past. It can also show you why you strive so hard to take care of your loved one’s needs ahead of your own. You’ll gain a better understanding as to why you get anxious about trying new things, and how to work through it!

ESTJ: You will understand why you tend to assume your way is the best.

You are indeed a go-getter, and you thrive when you’re getting things done. You don’t like to waste time, and you aren’t afraid to jump at the chance to call the shots if it seems no one else will. You are great at taking charge, but others have likely confronted you in the past that you tend to bulldoze other suggestions that aren’t your own. You may have also recognized that you aren’t ordinarily sensitive towards others feelings. Understanding your Myers-Briggs personality type can provide a better view as to why you are such a force to be reckoned with. You’ll be able to determine what causes you to seek out such efficient manners of action, as well as why you are more likely to stick to tried and true methods rather than venture towards unknown routes. You’ll also get a better look as to why you’re uncomfortable expressing your emotions, and how to push past the idea that you’re “weak” for doing so.

ISTJ: You will understand why you’re so adamant against changing.

You’re a hard-worker, and you aren’t one to go against the grain. You have a great deal of respect for authority and the traditions you’ve grown up with- you enjoy having structure and order and honestly believe things work best that way. You’ve likely come under criticism for refusing to try new things or being wary of unconventional methods, which can make you seem stodgy and old-fashioned. Understanding your Myers-Briggs type can provide you with some information as to what drives you to accept and observe past methods, as well as a better understanding of why you’re so adverse to change. It can give you a great foundation on how to incorporate new things in your life, while still using your strengths to your advantage.

ENFJ: You will understand why you push others so hard to succeed.

You have a strong heart to see other people be their best, and you have an excellent reputation for helping them get there. You like to encourage others and make them feel at home, and you’re great at picking up on social cues and patterns from others. You have at times been critical of others, particularly if something they say or do doesn’t line up with the group worldview or betrays others for the sake of themselves. Understanding your Myers-Briggs type can give you a better view as to why you strive so hard to bring people together, as well as to why you are determined to achieve any collective goal that benefits everyone. You can also recognize what causes you to be so critical of others, and how to not instinctively react so harshly when you come across someone who doesn’t have the same goals in mind as you.

INFJ: You will understand why you feel like no one truly gets you.

You have a strong inner world, and you care a great deal about your loved ones. You can easily pick out patterns in interactions of those around you, and you thrive on creating a vision to make the world a better place. You’ve likely come into conflict with others at times due to your nature of being distant or detached, and not connecting as well with people out of a fear of being misunderstood. Understanding your Myers-Briggs type can give you better insight as to why you’re continually seeking to understand the underlying meaning to every connection you pick up on, as well as to why you strive to use that knowledge to benefit others over yourself. You’ll also have a better answer as to why you feel disconnected from the world around you, and how to better work through it.

ESTP: You will understand why you’re easily bored and constantly seeking change.

You are an adventurous person who loves to seek out new experiences and know-how to work systems to make things point in your favor. You’re charming and likable, and most people enjoy having you around as you typically bring excitement to their lives. You also have likely struggled with preparing for the future, and prefer to wing everything rather than think about it too much. Understanding your Myers-Briggs type will show you why you’re drawn to the next new experience, as well as why you prefer sensory experiences over over-analyzing ideas and theories. It can also cause you to recognize why you’re more averse to planning out things, and how you can actually work that weakness into something to make your life easier.

ISTP: You will understand why you have such a hard time making a commitment.

You are an analytical person with a strong desire to experience what the world has to offer. You’re very intentional about taking in and understanding the facts and logic in a situation, and you use that to determine possible experiences and opportunities to explore. You like what you can understand and what makes sense to you. You have likely run into criticism from others in the past for not being emotionally available, or for having a hard time making a commitment to someone. Understanding your Myers-Briggs personality type will provide you with information to explain why you’re so facts-driven, as well as what drives you to want to take on new adventures first-hand. It will also help you figure out why you’re so emotionally distant, and help you learn how to develop that aspect into someone more comfortable with committing.

ESFP: You will understand why you crave the validation of others so much.

You’re an entertaining person who thrives on exploring new atmospheres and new people. You have a strong emotional awareness that causes you to reflect on your actions and helps guide your decisions, but ultimately, you want to have a good time with people you’re intrigued by. You often find that you base your self-worth on the comments and compliments of others, and have a difficult time feeling great about yourself if you don’t have that validation. Understanding your Myers-Briggs personality type can give you some insight as to why the opinions of other people matter so much to you, as well as to why you’re so drawn to act rather than take a step back and think about the logistics. You’ll also have a good way to recognize why you’re so adverse to spending too much time agonizing over decision-making, and how you can better pace yourself before jumping into major life choices.

ISFP: You will understand why you can’t always express yourself how you’d like.

You are known to be creative and relational, inspiring others around you with your empathy and artistic nature. You aren’t afraid to engage in new experiences, as long as you can safely say you feel good about it. You have likely wrestled with the problem of having a lot of great ideas and goals, but never following through on making them a reality. Understanding your Myers-Briggs personality type will shine a light as to why your feelings and emotions play such a strong role in influencing who you are, as well as why you like to express yourself best through creative means. It can also help you realize why you have such a hard time putting actions behind your goals, and how to push past this to express yourself the way you want to.

ENTJ: You will understand why you overwork yourself.

You’re incredibly hard-working, and you know how to achieve your goals. You have a knack for picking out patterns that can predict the way certain events will unfold, giving you a definite advantage of picking the best route to take. You tend to struggle with opening up emotionally to others and have likely been criticized for being too harsh with your words, as well as putting your goals above your relationships. Understanding your Myers-Briggs Personality type will give you a blueprint to explain why you’re so prone to overworking yourself to make your ideas a reality. It can also provide some explanations as to why you feel weak when you express your emotions and can help you learn to incorporate your feelings to help accomplish all the things you want.

INTJ: You will understand why you have a hard time trusting people.

You’re studious and intrigued by facts and concepts. You’re not one to decide without thinking it through, and you aren’t afraid to ask the tough questions to find the answers you seek. You like to figure out solutions to complex problems, and you take your time taking in all the facts and logical methods to get things solved. You have likely found yourself in conflicts in your relationships of all sorts, due to your fear of placing your trust in others. Understanding your Myers-Briggs type will give you the information to explain why you are constantly seeking out the underlying meaning in things, as well as why you’re able to put things into action with relative ease. It can also give you a better view as to why you have a hard time trusting in the world around you, and how you can learn not to be afraid of change and what you can’t fully understand.

About the author

Lacey Ramburger

I am low-key obsessed with astrology more than is probably healthy