These Are The 4 Zodiac Signs Who Have The Hardest Time Loving Themselves
1. Virgo
Virgos may be known to be critical of others, but they’re even more so of themselves. They’re always striving to fix things that are going wrong, and for some this can mean trying to find problems in the first place. They hold themselves to a high standard that is often unrealistic, so when they don’t achieve this they feel like they are failing constantly. They like to have control on the things that happen to them and will blame themselves for things out of their control, despite them logically recognizing there isn’t anything they could have done.
How You Can Help: If you have a Virgo in your life, reassure them that while not everything is in their control, that isn’t a reflection on them. Encourage them when they achieve a goal- not in a cheesy way, but letting them know you recognize when they do something well. When they start to ramble about how bad things are, let them get it off their chest, but don’t hesitate to remind them of the good, too. A Virgo works hard to make things the best they can be, but encourage them that it’s okay to rest and take breaks sometimes.
2. Capricorn
Similar to Virgos, Capricorns like to have control on everything around them. They’re very diligent and hard-working, but they push themselves past their limits often. They usually align self-worth with being successful in all areas of life, so if even one area doesn’t seem to be doing so great, they have a hard time thinking well of themselves. They invest their value in their accomplishments and hold themselves to a very high standard. They also tend to lean on the more pessimistic side as to avoid disappointment, though this often leads to a negative view of themselves and the good things that happen to them.
How You Can Help: If you have a Capricorn in your life, notice their accomplishments, but let them know the things you like about them that aren’t necessarily tied to those things. They won’t ask for help and they loathe thinking they will ever need it, yet letting them know you’re in their corner if they ever need anything can do wonders for them. Remind them they are more than their success. Support them, but don’t add fuel to the fire. Encourage them to take breaks every now and then, and that they aren’t weak for doing so.
3. Scorpio
Scorpios tend to have trust issues, hard. While they usually claim they can only depend on themselves and exude a great deal of confidence, their lack of trust in others reflects a lack of trust for themselves. They will hold people accountable when they do something shady, but secretly wonder if they’re the reason it actually happened. They will be a huge hype man for others, but rarely give themselves the same treatment. They keep up walls to prevent anyone from getting to know them, and can even believe the lie that no one can ever truly love them for who they are.
How You Can Help: If you have a Scorpio in your life, then patience is huge here. It can take a Scorpio a long time to open up to anyone, and even then they are still on their guard. They might lash out at you sometimes, but just remind them that you aren’t hurting them, but that you care deeply and want to be there for them- just be prepared to actually be there. Encourage them whenever they try to be vulnerable. Remind them of how great you think they are.
4. Pisces
Pisces will go out of their way to be there for literally everyone else but themselves. They tend to believe their problems and feelings belong on the backburner, and that they aren’t as important as everyone else. Though this can make them be a selfless friend at times, before too long this can lead them to be reclusive, worrying that even their presence is a burden to those they love. They often gravitate towards partners and friends who are very lavish in their praise and affection, viewing that as proof they are worth being around. This isn’t a negative thing, but it can lead to the Pisces depending on those people for that type of affirmation rather than learning to give it to themselves.
How You Can Help: If you have a Pisces in your life, pay attention to the signals they give off. If they seem to be having a bad day, encourage them to talk about it with you. If they try to brush things off, gently remind them that you’re in their corner and you care what they have to say. Listen to them and offer your support. Remind them often of what you truly enjoy about them, and not just on a surface level.