You Won't Find A Love That Is Perfect, But You Will Find A Love That Is Real

If You Fell In Love With Someone Who Was Not Meant For You

Maybe right now your heart still throbs when you think of all those days you spent hoping, praying he could be the one. Maybe there’s still that lingering pain as you accept the truth that after everything that happened, you were just his past – not the rest of his life. You’re a memory, about to fade away.

You almost hated yourself for your weaknesses and for the pain you inflicted. You both had faults and shortcomings within the relationship. There were abrupt decisions that tore your heart into pieces. You had emotions more than you knew what to do with. There were fears and doubts. It killed you, hurting him the way you did. You said things you wished you didn’t. You fought and gave up. But most importantly, you loved.

There’s a trace of regret and guilt inside of you. Maybe you should have stopped sooner. You shouldn’t have allowed the relationship to grow more than it should. Or maybe you should have tried harder.

Hush now. Come here. Let me tell you this: it’s not a mistake. You don’t apologize for falling in love. Just because it ended doesn’t mean it’s wasted.

Maybe you’re lost in the process of loving and breaking, but if that is the means for you to find your way back to your First Love, so be it. Accept the sorrow. Break apart, my love. And allow God to mend you.

It hadn’t been easy. It wasn’t meant to be easy.

You have a lot to learn, young heart. Healing starts when you accept that you cannot unlove a person who had touched your soul. He was meant to be a part of your story. You can only learn to love him differently.

Surrender, brave one. Turn to the Lord. Immerse yourself in His forgiving love until there’s no more room for resentment and guilt. Seek Him until you’re fully ready to love like He does.

Relish this journey of rebuilding yourself, bit by bit. This moment is between you and God. Take all the time you need. I promise it will be worth it.

If you fell in love a little too hard with someone who isn’t meant for you, please know that it’s still beautiful no matter how it ended. It was love, after all. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Kristine Mariz

A writer. A book butterfly. And whatever else God wants her to be.