One Day You’ll See How Everything Fell Into Place To Bring You Here
Daria Shevtsova

One Day You’ll See How Everything Fell Into Place To Bring You Here

There’s no heartbreak-proof love, and there’s no surefire way to success.


You want to know how it all turns out, that you will find your Prince Charming, that you’ll be happy and successful and live the kind of life you always dreamed of. You want to know that everything ends up ok because you’re scared of what happens if it doesn’t. You want guarantees, but the thing is: There are no guarantees.

There is no master plan that means you’re a failure if you don’t stick to it. There’s no heartbreak-proof love, and there’s no surefire way to success. There is no way to block out the bad without blocking out the good. I can’t promise you guarantees or all the answers.

What I can promise you is that sometimes the events that derail you will set you on the path to something better. That things might not unfold according to plan, but you’ll survive; in fact, you’ll come out stronger. I promise that you’ll meet people who move you, who make you want to be better, who make you see beauty in things you’ve never noticed before. I promise that one day you’ll wake up, and you will see how everything fell into place to bring you here.

You will finally see how your collection of tiny stories wove together to create this magnificent tapestry that is your life, and it’s everything you never knew you always wanted. Thought Catalog Logo Mark