When You Thought She’d Be The One

I’m sure there are still songs you still think of her when they come on the radio and you don’t know if you should change it or just listen.


Andreas Ronningen

So you were with the girl you thought you were going to marry right?

For years you created this life together. A life you thought would be your future.

You did everything right. I’m sure you sent her flowers just because. Took her on amazing dates. I’m sure even you were taken back by the romantic she turned you into. But you loved her and you wanted her to be happy. Because her happiness made you happy. And knowing you were the one to put a smile on her was enough.

I’m sure you went on trips creating memories that are now seared into your mind not to be forgotten. I’m sure you still look at pictures from time to time.

I’m sure there are still songs that come on the radio and you don’t know if you should change it or just listen.

I’m sure there are still roads you avoid driving down and moments where even now it hits you.

I’m sure you went to weddings together and you looked at her and thought one day that would be you two. Maybe you even knew the ring she wanted.

But then something changed. There was a shift in both of you. Or maybe just her and as you watched her fall out of love with you, you fell harder. For some reason, you guys couldn’t overcome it.

You outgrew each other.

Now here you are, alone. I know there are still moments you catch yourself looking back and wondering. Mourning the loss of the best love you’ve ever known.

Respect the love you found because it was real. But also understand there’s a reason you outgrew it.

And respect her because she was special, there is no denying that.

And you meet a lot of beautiful women but they don’t have it. She was a standard all her own. She ran circles around everyone without trying. And I’m sure you felt like the lucky one standing next to her.

But trust me when I say there’s a reason it didn’t work out.

Everything you did for her and how deeply you loved her, someone is going to do that for you one day. You’re different and I know that’s hard sometimes. You don’t look like you’re the type to wear your heart on your sleeve or fall that hard but you did and you do.

As much as you want to change sometimes you are who you are. And someone is going to really appreciate the fact you haven’t.

And someone is going to really appreciate the fact, the relationship you thought was the one turned out not to be.

Someone is going to love you in ways you never thought you were capable of being loved and that’s what is going to heal you. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Kirsten Corley

Writer living in Hoboken, NJ with my 2 dogs.