In 2018 Don’t Settle For A Love That Confuses You

Collective World

In 2018 I hope you don’t settle for someone who confuses you about the way he feels.

I hope you don’t fall for someone who leads you on.

I hope this is the year you let go of that person you might love and adore but you realize ‘he’s never going to give me what I need or want.’

I hope when you say goodbye you actually mean it and walk away without looking back.

I hope you don’t invest and emotions and energy into someone who plays games with you.

I hope in 2018 you aren’t sitting by your phone trying to decode things because he’s liking your last post but ignoring your text. He’s opening your snap and looking at your story but doesn’t respond.

I hope in 2018 you find someone who answers your texts quickly.

I hope this is the year you stop going for that certain bad boy type who only hurts you in the end.

The ones your friends don’t like and you swear you see something good in them.

I hope this is the year you stop falling for people who like that fact you like them and that’s it.

I hope you find someone who takes you on real dates.

And opens your door and pulls out your chair and pays for things because he respects you.

I hope 2018 is the year you get flowers sent your office.

I hope this is the year you learn to heal and really move on.

Learning to let go of the ghosts of your past and the almost loves that haunt you.

I hope you choose to walk away from people who come back saying sorry because the right person wouldn’t have made the mistake of hurting you, to begin with.

I hope you don’t fall for someone who keeps telling you all the things you want to hear but doesn’t follow through with actions.

I hope you find a relationship that is something more than a casual and just about sex.

I hope you find a relationship that satisfies you both physically and emotionally.

Not just one. Now just the other.

Not just someone using you because they are hurt.

I hope 2018 is the year you realize you deserve commitment and a real relationship.

I hope this is the year you ask for what you want unapologetically.

I hope in 2018 you find the strength to walk away when someone doesn’t meet your expectations.

I hope you learn that someone else not liking you is a reflection of them and it doesn’t mean you lack something.

I hope 2018 is the year you realize what you deserve and you don’t stop until you get it.

I hope this is the year you realize asking for things and not getting them doesn’t mean you need to change the question but rather change the person you’re asking.

I hope you don’t get fooled by a wolf in sheep’s clothing. And charming words from boys who don’t mean them.

I hope this is the year you find someone who likes you for you and what you have to offer.

I hope this is the year you stop giving people the benefit of the doubt.

I hope this is the year you stop accepting excuses and hold people accountable for their actions.

I hope this is the year you stop going so far out of your way for people who haven’t even proved they deserve it.

I hope you realize some people just aren’t worth the effort.

I hope you not only meet someone who meets you halfway but goes above and beyond everything you expected.

I hope 2018 is the year you meet someone who continues to surprise you.

Someone who wants to make you happy.

Someone who will stop at nothing to ensure that.

I hope this is the year you meet someone you can bring around your friends and family without the fear of suddenly having to explain why he faded out or what happened because you don’t know.

I hope 2018 is the year you find a love that stays.

A love that makes you realize you’d rather stay in then go out drinking and partying.

I hope 2018 is the year you don’t cringe wondering who your plus one will be.

I hope this is the year you meet someone who sees you in their future.

I hope 2018 is the year you can delete whatever dating app you have because you don’t need it anymore.

I hope 2018 is the year a new face fills your Snapchat stories.

And everyone who follows you can see how happy you really are.

I hope 2018 is your year of consistency and commitment.

Because you deserve someone who wants you and only you.

You deserve to remember what love feels like.

I hope 2018 is the year you find it.

Because I just want you to be happy and healed and in a good relationship.

But you gotta want it enough for yourself that you learn to walk away from people who treat you badly. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Kirsten Corley

Writer living in Hoboken, NJ with my 2 dogs.

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