I’m At A Point Where I’m Not Afraid To Admit I Want A Relationship
I’m at a point where I’m beginning to realize getting what you want, first starts with asking for it and not changing the question when someone doesn’t give you the answer you deserve or need.
I’m at a point where I’m beginning to realize it doesn’t make me desperate saying I want a relationship.
I’m at a point where I’m beginning to realize it’s okay to need things of someone else and demanding that of someone isn’t asking too much.
I’m at a point where I’m beginning to realize I’d rather sleep alone than have some one night stand.
I’m at a point where I’m beginning to realize I’d rather have a genuine connection with someone then blurry memories at a bar I don’t remember.
I’m at a point where I’m beginning to realize it’s okay to walk away from people who are unsure. The ones who keep you guessing. The ones who think dating is still a game to win.
I’m at a point where I’m done playing some childish game.
Because the only game I want to play is one for keeps.
I’m at point where I’m looking for someone who is going to add something more to the life I’ve built for myself.
And it doesn’t mean I’m not whole on my own or I can’t function being single. But I’m at a point where I’m realizing it’s okay to need someone emotionally.
I’m at a point where if consistancy and commitment are something you fear I’m not going to stand around trying to prove I’m the one worth your time because you aren’t worth mine.
I’m at a point where asking for what I need won’t be said in a whisper but the standard I begin to expect of everyone.
I’m at a point where I’m not going to go looking for a relationship carelessly swiping like they say we are supposed to but really establish what I’m looking for in a partner.
To be able to indentify when someone might be worth my time.
While paying close attention to the red flags. Realizing when I see something in someone I don’t like, that’s when I walk away not try harder.
I’m at a point where I’m beginning to realize the value of my time and the more time I spend waiting for a text message or analyze this and that is time wasted on someone who is sure of me.
I’m at a point where I’m beginning to realize when the past comes knocking I’m going to stop answering because it’ll just end in the same circles we run in.
I’m at a point where I’m okay moving forward with some sorrys I never heard but deserved. Learning to forgive myself too.
I’m at a point where I’m not here to prove my worth to anyone.
I’m at a point where I’m ready to meet someone. The right one.
Call it desperation. But these are fundamental relationships we all need in our lives, in a generation that deems you for admitting that. One that makes you feel weak for needing basic love.
When you see your friend in a healthy relationship, laughing and smiling and happier than she’s ever been, why is it bad to want that too>?
It’s one thing to want that so badly you compromise your self respect for anyone who wears sheep’s clothing and plays what could be the role. It’s another thing to respect yourself enough to not tolerate less than that relationship standard you have in your head you want to become a reality.
It’s not too much to ask for that.
I’m at a point where I’m beginning to realize, it took a lot of time alone. A lot of time being with someone and feeling alone. A lot of time spent on the wrong people. A lot of time accepting less than I deserved. Only to look at myself one day and realize I had never really been asking for what I wanted out of guilt of wanting something more than some hookup or something casual.
I’m at a point where I’m beginning to realize I don’t think it’s too much too ask of someone to want me and only me.
I don’t think it’s too much to demand a label.
I’m at a point where I’m beginning to realize getting what I want, first starts with asking for it and not changing the question when someone doesn’t give me the answer I deserve or need.