Date A Guy Who Is Nice

Good Guys
God & Man

Nice guys have a bad rep. They are the ones who text you immediately to let you know they had a great time with you and would love to see you again.

Nice guys have the reputation of coming on too strong or caring too much.

They are the ones blowing up your social media because they don’t care about playing coy.

They are the ones telling you exactly how they feel.

But this should be what we want and are looking for in a relationship.

Date the guy who drives you home regardless of how late it is and how out of the way you might be.

Date the guy who keeps his word and shows up.

Date the guy who cares and isn’t afraid to show it.

We take nice guys for granted. The ones who spend time with you enjoying your company. They are the ones who are fine with just a kiss. The ones who would never pressure you to do more.

They are the ones who answer immediately and don’t play hard to get because they don’t believe dating should be a game.

These are the guys who are kind and respectful yet a lot of people reject them.

We’ve been conditioned to be attracted to the people who are a little more complicated. The one who keeps you guessing. The ones who know exactly what to say and when to say it you keep you wanting more. The one you know is talking to more than just you but you choose to be naive.

Stop choosing the wrong people and start picking the right one.

Nice guys don’t want to confuse you. And when asked what their flaws are, you seem like a bitch saying he’s too nice.

Date the guy who is too nice.

Learn to value that. Learn to appreciate that.

Don’t make him think he has to change who he is just because you don’t see the value in it.

Because nice guys are rare.

They are the ones who keep their word even if they said it slurred.

They are the ones who take care of you when you’ve had too much to drink and they don’t look at it as an opportunity to take advantage of you.

Date the guy with integrity and shows respect both to himself and you.

Date the guy who makes you laugh. The one you can have a good time with doing anything.

The one who doesn’t mind when you just show up somewhere because he’s happy to see you.

Date the guy who always includes you.

Nice guys are underappreciated and taken for granted.

They are the ones who buy you drinks only to watch you flirt with someone else.

They are the ones there for you and emotionally supporting you when you give your time and attention to someone else.

They are the shoulder you cry on when in reality they’d never make you cry if you took a chance on them.

They are the ones who always picked second.

They are the ones who don’t hold grudges even though you hurt them.

To every genuinely nice guy, I ask you not to change. And I know with every let down and broken heart you underplay you’re getting tired of it.

But I promise you if you just keep being nice and keep treating people exactly how you’ve been you’re going to meet someone who is right there with you.

And she isn’t going to mess with your head or only text you drunk.

She won’t say you’re just friends but still spend the night.

You aren’t going to be some second choice.

You are going to be her only choice and she’s going to realize she’s the lucky one.

She’s going to count her blessing someone else didn’t appreciate you the way you deserved because now she gets to.

Nice guys have bad reps because girls don’t want nice guys. Women do.

And that’s the difference right there. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Kirsten Corley

Writer living in Hoboken, NJ with my 2 dogs.

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