Stay Single Until You Meet A Forever Person That Looks Like This
Stay single until you find someone who makes an effort. The effort in surprises. The effort in planning dates. The effort in you. Investing time and energy into the things you care about.
Forever starts with the effort and commitment someone invests in you. As you should them.
Stay single until you find someone who works to build your trust. The one who takes things slow. The one who really wants to know about every sharp edge you have and about the past you regret. Someone who teaches it okay to have made mistakes as long as you learn. But more that that learn from each other.
Forever starts with a foundation of trust.
Stay single until you find someone who flirts with you like you’re the first love. Protects you like they would their siblings. You fight like a married couple but you always make up and talk like best friends.
Forever starts with being friends first then falling into love carelessly but knowing someone will catch you as you fall together.
Stay single until it’s the best sex you’ve ever had. Because intimacy is more than just sleeping with someone. When you care about the person it’s an experience so much more than that.
Forever starts with someone who walks into the room and you feel everything just looking at them. Like they are the best thing that’s ever happened to you.
Stay single until you meet someone who wants to build a future with you. Someone who talks about it but more than that works towards it. Someone who puts money aside because they see you as their wife even though they haven’t said it yet.
Forever is that person you just know with complete confidence they are it.
Stay single until you meet someone who wants to know your family and friends. The person who asks about them constantly. The one who knows how much you value them and would never make you choose between you and them.
Forever is that person who wants to be apart of the life with people who are already there.
Stay single until you meet someone who is willing to make sacrifices. The person who meets you halfway. The one who proves they are as into it as you are.
Forever is that person who doesn’t make you give more than you get. It’s that 50/50 thing when maybe in the past you didn’t know what that felt like.
Stay single until you meet the person who wants to make you a better version of yourself. The one who pushes you towards your goals and help you to achieve things you didn’t think you could.
Forever starts with the person who believes in you before you believe in yourself.
Stay single until you meet the person who makes you happier than you ever thought you could be. The person who sheds a light in your life and fills your heart in such a way you didn’t think was even possible. The person who after meeting them you can’t imagine your life without them.
Forever starts with the person not only you can’t live without but the person who doesn’t want to live without you either.