Be Alone Until You’re Truly Happy With Yourself
Be alone until you are truly happy with yourself.
Until you kill every insecurity you have.
Until you change the dialogue and conversations you have with yourself.
Be alone until you learn to stop hating yourself.
Be alone until you realize you deserve the best.
But it starts with giving the best to the person looking back at you in the mirror.
Be alone until you don’t need a relationship for validation.
But you find that in yourself.
Be alone until you go out to have fun not just hoping you’ll meet someone.
Be alone until you look at your reflection with the admiration it deserves.
And you can truly say, “I love myself.”
Be alone until you don’t feel lonely spending time by yourself but it gives you a sense of confidence.
Be alone until you have these set of standards you refuse to lower until someone meets them.
Be alone until you have enough self-respect to not tolerate less than you deserve.
Until you look at every relationship you are a part as it’s them gaining something.
Be alone until you are a little bit cocky. Because you deserve to be.
Be alone until you are a little bit selfish.
Be alone until you realize your favorite person to spoil is yourself.
Take that trip alone.
Do something that scares.
Be alone until you don’t cringe looking at that plus one invite and confidently walk through those doors alone.
Be alone until you don’t look at other couples jealous.
Until you don’t scroll through your newsfeed seeing only relationships wondering why it’s not your turn yet?
Be alone until you don’t want a relationship and are happy without one.
Because that’s when it’ll come to you.
Until then be alone.
Enjoy it.
Because one day you are going to lose that freedom.
But you’ll realize it’s a gain and you get to share all these things with someone else.
Be alone until you have something on the ball to offer them.
Because if the only thing you have going for you is a relationship there’s a chance you can lose it.
And if you haven’t established a relationship with yourself that acts as the solid foundation for every other relationship whatever you try to build on instability will crumble.
So be alone until you’re ready for something real.
Be alone and admit you still have things to work on.
Because that’s okay to admit.
What isn’t okay is trying to use a relationship to provide you with the things you should be giving yourself.
So until then be alone.
And learn to be happy by yourself.