
This Is Why She Fell In Love With You

She didn’t fall in love with you because you tried to change her. She fell in love because you accepted her and made her a better version of herself.



She didn’t fall in love with you simply because you had a conversation with her.

She fell in love with you because you listened when she spoke, even to the things she wasn’t saying.

She didn’t fall in love with you because you were nice.

She fell in love with you because for the first time someone was reciprocating all she gave.

She didn’t fall in love with you because you didn’t make mistakes.

She fell in love with you because you owned up to it and apologized.

She didn’t fall in love with you because you stayed.

She fell in love with you because every time she tried to push you away you pulled her closer.

She didn’t fall in love because she just liked being around you.

She fell in love with you because when she was, she was happier than she had ever been.

She didn’t fall in love with you because you were handsome.

She fell in love with you because of what was on the inside.

She didn’t fall in love with you because you supported her when she had success.

She fell in love with you because you helped pick her up every time she fell.

She didn’t fall in love with you because of the distance.

She fell in love with you because when she was gone you told her you missed her and showed it.

She didn’t fall in love with you because you gave her a ride home.

She fell in love with you because you went completely out of her way to make sure you were the one to get her home safely.

She didn’t fall in love with you because you liked the same music.

She fell in love with you because you told her songs to listen to that she replays too often thinking of you.

She didn’t fall in love with you because you tried to change her.

She fell in love because you accepted her and made her a better version of herself.

She didn’t fall in love with you because you spent time with her.

She fell in you because you didn’t have time but you made sure you found a way to see her.

She didn’t fall in love with you because you work hard and are successful.

She fell in love with you because you motivated her to want to be.

She didn’t fall in love with you simply because you told her things.

She fell in love with you because you told her things you never told anyone else.

She didn’t fall in love with you because you were strong.

She fell in love with you because you let her in during vulnerable moments you weren’t.

She didn’t fall in love with you because of the way she felt.

She fell in love with you because you respected her feelings.

She didn’t fall in love with you because you complimented her.

She fell in love with you because you noticed when she got a haircut or changed something little.

She didn’t fall in love with you because she’s been hurt.

She fell in love with you because you didn’t want to be just another person to break her heart.

She didn’t fall in love with you simply because you answered a text message.

She fell in love with you because you were the one texting first.

She didn’t fall in love with you because she was perfect.

She fell in love with you because you accepted her at her worst when she wasn’t.

She didn’t fall in love with you because you were easy to get to.

She fell in love with you because you were a challenge and complicated and something she wanted to know and figure out.

She didn’t fall in love with you because you were respectful when you met her parents.

She fell in love with you because for the first time she met a man as great as her dad.

She didn’t fall in love with you because it was a choice she made.

She fell in love with you because suddenly meeting you, you were the only thing that made sense in her life.Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Kirsten Corley

Writer living in Hoboken, NJ with my 2 dogs.