God & Man

I’ll Always Fight For You But I’ll Never Fight For You To Stay

But the second you make me question my own worth, that’s when I stop trying.


God & Man

If you’re choosing to be in my life and you give me your best, I’ll reciprocate that.

I’ll always do more than expected.

I always say thank you and show appreciation.

I’ll always defend you.

Even behind your back.

If you choose me I will always choose you.

And I don’t care about what people may think or say.

Their opinions I’ve never let influence my own.

To me loyalty is everything.

And you’ll always have mine.

If I see something in you, that’s it.

That’s enough for me.

But the second you make me question my own worth, that’s when I stop trying.

The second you start fumbling through excuses I don’t want to believe at first, I begin to look at you differently.

The moment you stop answering or showing you don’t care I will too.

The second things become expected and not appreciated, I pause.

The moment you take my love for granted or make it feel like some burden to you, I’ll walk away.

Because I should never have to fight to be in your life.

I shouldn’t have to compete.

When I make you a priority don’t make me feel like some choice you get to make.

When I go out of my way and you can’t even meet me halfway there, I’ll turn around.

I hate giving up on people.

But more than that I hate not feeling good enough.

Like my efforts should be more.

Like there is some flaw holding me back from earning and deserving your love.

Like my best doesn’t match up to you and what you want or need.

If you want to be in my life fine.

I’ll always fight for you but I’ll never fight for you to stay.

And if it comes to that, I’ll hold open the door with a smile and let you go without a word.

Even if I don’t understand or it’s breaking my heart to see you go.

But I’ll say goodbye and not dwell on it.

Because the truth is They. Always. Come. Back. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Kirsten Corley

Writer living in Hoboken, NJ with my 2 dogs.