This Is Why You Need To Ignore His Text

Ignore his text because he doesn’t care enough to answer yours.
And if he can’t do the bare minimum good luck getting him to do anything else.
Ignore his text because he’s not making a point to show up.
Ignore his text because all you’ve been doing is talking for months and nothing has come of it.
Ignore his text because you and I both know you deserve more than someone who makes you wonder how they feel about you.
Ignore his text because your feelings are not a game and texting you just to see if you’ll answer shows a sense of insecurity in him.
Ignore his text because you shouldn’t keep asking for what you deserve.
Ignore his text because you need someone who is going to make you better not make your life worse.
Ignore his text because that’s all it is…a text.
Ignore his text because you deserve a phone call.
Ignore his text because you can. That lie you’re telling yourself about why you’re answering or you’re not strong enough to ignore it, is only that… a lie.
You’re strong enough to ignore his text.
Ignore his text because he canceled again and shouldn’t be easily forgiven.
Ignore his text because your friends are tired of the screenshots and forwarded messages of one day he’s a great guy and one day he isn’t.
Ignore his text because he’s an ass even on his ‘good days.’
Ignore his text because you shouldn’t be impressed by someone coming back you should want someone who never leaves in the first place.
Ignore his text because he’s probably talking to other girls and you know it.
Ignore his text because you deserve more than someone who makes you think too hard about what you’re going to say and what he’ll think about you when you say it.
Ignore his text because you deserve more than waiting.
Ignore his text because you deserve someone who doesn’t make you feel guilty and weak for answering.
Ignore his text because you deserve an answer every time.
Ignore his text because if he doesn’t care enough to think about you at 2pm than forget about him at 2 am.
Ignore his text because you respect yourself enough to no longer tolerate mistreatment.
Ignore his text because he deserves to know what it’s really like to live without you, it’s only then he’ll realize your value and worth.
But most of all ignore his text because there is someone out there who won’t.
And every time you answer him, you’re taking one step further away from finding the person you deserve. The man who not only will answer your text but will show up the fuck up the way men are supposed to.
And when a man shows up he’ll come with flowers he won’t text you an emoji rose.