This Is How We Break Our Own Heart Without Even Realizing We Are

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The risk of finding the one we love comes with a road full of dead ends and heartbreak. What we fail to realize sometimes is that we break our own heart along the way.

We break our own heart giving attention to people to who ignore us.

We break our own heart by giving away love too easily to people who don’t deserve us.

We break our own heart by missing people who we aren’t even a second thought to.

We break our own heart investing time in people who aren’t even giving us the light of day.

We break our own heart giving the best of ourselves to people who haven’t yet proved they deserve it.

We break our own heart by going the extra mile for people who don’t even want to meet us halfway.

We break our own heart chasing after people who wouldn’t even watch if we walked away.

We break our own heart by choosing the wrong people.

We break our own heart trying to keep the attention of someone who is focused on another. By competing with others when the right person would let us win with a landslide.

We break our own heart by thinking if we love someone enough and show it, they’ll change their minds.

We break our own heart by not reading the signs but reading the ones we want to.

We break our own heart every time we ignore those red flags and warning signs.

We break our own heart by falling for people we know won’t catch us.

We break our own heart envisioning a false but unrealistic future with someone who doesn’t even want us a part of their plans.

We break our own heart by answering that text even though he didn’t answer three of ours.

We break our own heart not cutting people off and giving them one more chance to hurt us.

We break our own heart answering that call even though it’s 3 AM. By settling for some one-night stand, when all we want is more but we’re too afraid to admit it.

We break our own heart by conforming to what society says is ‘normal dating’ but it hurts.

We break our own heart participating in this game we swear we hate but can’t seem to quit.

We break our own heart by loving the wrong people, all while convincing ourselves they are right.

We break our own heart falling for the bad boy because we want to be the one that changes him.

We break our own heart turning down that nice guy and swearing there was no spark. By not giving him that chance that could have been the love of a lifetime.

We break our own heart in a relationship that isn’t defined as one because that person doesn’t care enough to commit and we allow it.

We break our own heart sticking by these people who are almost everything we want and need. The key word there is almost while we live painfully in a place called limbo

We break our own heart by picking people who don’t pick us.

We break our own heart because we’re used to it. Because if we are feeling pain at least we are feeling something.

We break our own heart because we’re afraid of being happy. We’re afraid of suddenly having something to lose.

We break our own heart by not saying things when we have the chance because we fear rejection. So we stay silent and allow that to hurt us.

We break our heart by not leaving when something is over. By clinging to the past and letting it interfere with our future. By wishing that person was the one they used to be, without taking into account who they are today.

We break our own heart reliving the breakup and analyzing what we did wrong. By rereading old conversations and not deleting the pictures, we hurt ourselves.

We break our own heart trying so hard to get them back.

We break our own heart when we call him just to see if he’ll answer. Then it hurts, even more, when he doesn’t.

We break our own heart trying to fill the void he left in the beds of people we wish were him, instead of learning to love ourselves.

We break our own heart by not learning the most important love story is the one we have with the person looking back at us in the mirror.

We break our own heart by settling and not listening to that voice inside our head that tells us we deserve more than what we are getting. We aren’t patient and we hate waiting. Instead, we take what we can get.

We break our own heart time and time again.

But I think as the New Year begins, we should try and do something different. Let’s try not breaking our own heart and letting it heal for once. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Kirsten Corley

Writer living in Hoboken, NJ with my 2 dogs.

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