Someecards Random 23 E-Cards That Hilariously Summarize Your Shit Show Of A Life "I'm quitting my job to pursue my anxiety full-time." By Kim Quindlen Updated 11 months ago, April 5, 2024 1. This truth bomb. 2. The never-ending circle. 3. The bright side, kind of. 4. Can I get this at Walgreens? 5. Constant exercise. 6. This is the kind of love we’re all looking for. 7. This feeling is unavoidable. 8. Smooth move. 9. This is true dedication. 10. Honestly, this is all of us. 11. Someday we’ll see each other again. 12. It’s all about ~balance~ 13. Moving on to bigger and better things. 14. Responsible decision-making. 15. Fleeting youth. 16. Feeling nostalgic. 17. This is growing up. 18. Priorities. 19. Why does this always happen. 20. Now this goal feels attainable. 21. Thank you Facebook. 22. This is how we’ll know it’s real. 23. Things to look forward to. FOR MORE FUNNY posts like this ONE, CLICK HERE TO ‘LIKE’ HUMOR CATALOG ON FACEBOOK.