12 Romantic Gifts That Aren’t The Least Bit Cheesy



Valentine’s Day can be stressful – even if (and many times because) you are in a relationship. How do you find the perfect gift? What’s the best way to say I love you? And, most importantly: is it still possible to be romantic without being in the middle of a sappy, Notebook-style relationship? The answer is yes. Sometimes, the best gifts of all involve humor, simple sweetness, or the opportunity to bring the two of you closer. So here are 12 gift ideas for Valentine’s Day that are in no way cheesy.

1. The technology that says ‘I love you’ without making any noise at all.

Ditto Tech

We’ve all experienced that moment when our alarm goes off (a million times) at the crack of dawn and we know that our partner is tempted to smack us in the face with their pillow. But with this wearable device that is a gift from the gods, you can wake up every morning with the silent alarm that will never disturb your partner, or your relationship, ever again.

2. The iPhone cases that make your love as timeless as Mickey and Minnie’s.

Phone Case

What’s better than the fact that the people who voiced Mickey and Minnie were married in real life? (No, seriously.) The fact that you and bae can now get matching Mickey and Minnie or Donald and Daisy iPhone covers – in 3D form.

3. The pasta maker that will let you live out your ‘Lady and the Tramp’ fantasy.



We learned early on in childhood, from a couple of literal love-sick puppies, that nothing is more romantic than spaghetti. So the next time you and your significant other opt for a quiet night in, switch it up from your typical Netflix-and-chill routine, and try making a delicious, truly homemade meal together.

Click Here To See The Full List Of The Most Romantic Valentine’s Day Gifts That Aren’t The Least Bit Cheesy.

About the author

Kim Quindlen

I’m a staff writer for Thought Catalog. I like comedy and improv. I live in Chicago. My Uber rating is just okay.