Kendall O'Donnell

I love dogs, maybe too much.
Articles by
Kendall O'Donnell
Hate To Break It To You, But You’re Probably The Reason You’re Miserable
Heal, learn, grow, love.
You Owe It To Yourself To Learn To Love Your Solitude
Impress, appreciate, and never stop working on yourself.
Give Yourself The Closure They Never Did
“Get closure.”
You’re Allowed To Move On
You are free to grow apart from people. You are free to lose feelings for people.
Why Comparing Your Relationships Is The Easiest Way To Make Them Fail
It’s also because, each relationship is different. Each relationship has it’s own way of working, and that’s okay
The Unedited Truth About Loving Yourself Before You Love Someone Else
To tell someone they must love themselves first, is to be able to put a ‘one size fits all’ label on what self-love should look like.
20 Little Life Lessons You Owe It To Yourself To Learn In Your 20s
Friendships end and people grow apart, forgive yourself for that.
Trust Me, You Don’t Need Them
You are allowed to let people go. You are allowed to feel upset for not getting what you deserve.
It’s Time To Let Him Go Because You’ve Tried For Long Enough
You are not hard to love. You are worthy of love. A love harder than he can give you. A love that doesn’t make you question whether you matter. A love that doesn’t leave you up all night in misery. A love that doesn’t make you lower your self-worth.