Kelly Peacock

Content Creator
Art Director

    Kelly Peacock is a Brooklyn-based poet, writer and visual creator.
     She is a regular Staff Writer on Collective World covering astrology and relationships and the Social Media Manager of Collective World's Tik Tok and Instagram.
     Kelly studied creative writing at Fairleigh Dickinson University and is the author of the poetry collections Somewhere in Between and Loving, Longing And Other Liminal Spaces. Aside from poetry, Kelly is a sought-after content creator and ambassador for fashion and jewelry brands. 
     You'll find her writing at a cozy coffee shop in New York City.


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Collective World

The Healing Crystal For Your Zodiac Sign

Healing crystals are used in many cultures to clear blocked energy, promote healing, self-love, creativity, and wellness, and support manifestation practices.…

Articles by
Kelly Peacock

Dear Women, You Are Not His Therapist

Dear Women, You are not his therapist. Let’s get one thing straight — there’s a fine line between being a caring and supportive partner and being someone he talks to when he has a problem.

Maybe This Is Me Moving On

Maybe this is me moving on. Maybe this is me finally taking off the rose-tinted glasses and seeing our relationship for what it truly was. Attachment.

Give Yourself The Closure You Need

The thing about closure is that you don’t really need it in the way you think you do. Oftentimes, it’s better to give yourself the closure you need, not to go after the closure you think you need.

I Believe We Are Guided To Meet Our Soulmates

Gut feelings, guardian angels, spirit guides — whatever you call them, there is something greater and more powerful than us, moving things around in our favor and connecting us to other souls in this Universe through a chain of light.