Kayla Itsines

Kayla Itsines is the creator of the BBG program and the Sweat With Kayla app, reaching over 10 million women with her healthy living fitness regimen.
Articles by
Kayla Itsines
All The Reasons Why You Should (Suck It Up And) Workout Today
You might inspire someone else. Without even realising it, you might be a role model for a friend or colleague.
How Sitting All Day Is Hurting You (And What You Can Do To Reverse The Damage)
Leading a lifestyle with minimal exercise has been linked to so many health problems and, unfortunately, these problems can apply to people who spend a large portion of their day sitting.
How To Get Your Health On Track (Even If You’re Not Feeling Totally Inspired — Yet)
These sneaky changes can help keep you on the path to better health.
Ladies, Here’s Why It’s Important To Lift Weights – As Told By Kayla Itsines
Picking up weights for a set number of repetitions won’t instantly cause bulk, even if the weights are on the heavier side. In fact, lifting heavy weights places more demands on your body, which can kick a number of positive changes into gear.
Here’s What Triggers Overeating (And What You Can Do To Break The Cycle)
In order to make a positive change, you need to stop feeling guilty for overdoing it in the past and focus on being mindful in the future.
Ditch These 6 Thoughts About Food Immediately If You Want To Lead A Healthy Life
Our relationship with food can have a huge bearing on how we enjoy and process it, as well as our body image and confidence.
5 Things You Should Never Do Right Before Bed
Sleep with your pets. I love a cuddle with my dogs as much as the next person (or even more!), but they don’t always understand the idea of quiet time.
Replace These ‘At Home’ Staples With Healthier Foods To Feel Like The Best Version Of Yourself
Having fresher versions means you’re likely to get more of the nutrients that these foods have to offer and less of the hidden nasties.
5 Ways To Get More Out Of Your Workouts (So Hitting The Gym Feels Like Less Of A Chore)
If you want more “bang for your buck” with your workouts, try swapping your passive rest breaks (such as sitting down) for active ones.