Kathryn Stanley

I’ve got the same Myers-Briggs type as Hitler and bin Laden, but also Gandhi. It’s been a confusing existence.
Articles by
Kathryn Stanley
It’s Time You Finally Dealt With Your Deepest, Darkest Shit
I think the most important work that you can ever do is to figure out your Core Wound.
10 Things Mindful People Do Differently To Cultivate Peace In Their Everyday Lives
They embrace negative thoughts rather than avoid them.
Why The Pursuit Of Greatness Won’t Make You Happy
We want to know that we’re moving forward and upward, always toward the purest and most exhilarating form of living. We want to believe that we’ll find our true happiness if we can become great.
The One Thing We All Most Want From A New Year
If there is magic in the world, I think it comes in the moments exactly like this one.
For Anyone Who Doesn’t Feel Like They’re Capable Of Being In A Relationship
Love and desire are opposing forces, a paradox in which only one can live.
When Your Ex Comes Back, Leave
I think many of us are addicted to the feeling of longing for something.
Why You Should Block Your Ex Without Remorse
At what point are we starting to bring unnecessary pain onto ourselves?
What Each Myers-Briggs Type Does On Halloween
ESTP: Shows up as Tyler Durden from Fight Club. Starts a real fight.
38 Steps To Becoming A More Well-Adjusted (And Therefore Happier) Person
Getting one extra hour of sleep a night is better for our happiness than a $60,000 raise
15 Reasons INFJs Find It So Hard To Move On From Heartbreak
INFJs are perfectionists who struggle with failure.
If Your Almost-Relationship Didn’t Work Out, I Bet You’re Doing This To Yourself
Disoriented, confused, we build our own narrative to fill in the missing pieces, to create our own ending, to get the closure we need.
Each Myers-Briggs Type’s Fatal Flaw In Relationships (And What To Do About It)
INFP’s fatal flaw: Idolizing partners
6 Confusing Characteristics Of Emotionally Unavailable People
You start relationships with people who aren’t truly right for you.