Katerina Lolita

Wild women are the most dangerous. Check out my favorite tips on dating here and my favorite article on what it means to be a high-quality man here.
Articles by
Katerina Lolita
6 Ways Men Destroy A Marriage (And When Women Need to Leave)
Anyone can destroy a marriage or relationship, whether you’re a man or woman. However, it seems that married women are increasingly becoming frustrated with the way their husbands have treated them and are initiating divorce more often.
5 Ways to Make A Guy You’re Dating Obsessed With You
Is there a natural, organic way to make a man obsessed with you in healthy ways, without playing mind games?
3 Reasons Why You’re Actually Single As A Woman
There are three main reasons you are single if you’re a woman, and they’re not what you think.
The Real Reason Men Fall In Love With “Toxic” Women, According to Psychology
So-called “toxic” women aren’t always actually toxic. While some certainly are, let’s reevaluate the label a little in the context of the patriarchal society we live in.
25 Clever Comebacks to Humble A Toxic Man You’re Dating
One of my favorite TikTok trends is known as the “I am no man’s peace” trend.
This ‘Sex and the City’ Mandela Effect Will Blow Your Mind
Are you remembering Sex and the City all wrong?
From ‘Dexter’ To ‘Gone Girl’: 4 TV And Movie Villains Who Actually Made Good Points
Maybe these TV and movie villains actually had a point after all.
Why Pick-Me Narcissistic Women Who Center Men Are Dangerous Friends
Often when we talk about toxic relationships that women endure, we focus solely on unhealthy men who perpetrate aggressively against women and rightfully so.
5 of the Most Problematic Disney Movies Of All Time (That Aged Terribly)
These Disney movies were in hindsight very problematic, held harmful messages for young girls and ultimately aged terribly.
Viral TikTok Asked Women If Living With Men Was Worth It: Married Women Said “Absolutely Not!”
Women were asked on a viral TikTok whether it was worth marrying and cohabiting with men. Married women overwhelmingly said no.
Why High Quality Men Hate “Cool Girl” PickMes and Love “Crazy” Mean Women
High quality men aren’t actually interested in “cool girls.” But have you ever wondered why? Here’s why men go for the same “crazy” so-called “mean” woman they complain about – and how to use this information to enhance your own dating life.
The Game of Thrones Character You Are, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Which Game of Thrones character are you? Find out based on your zodiac sign.
5 Phrases To Get Narcissists and Toxic People To Back Off
These phrases will make narcissists lose their power, back off, and help you stay safe.
6 Magical Signs Your Girlfriend Is A Natural Born Witch
“Rumor on the street is that her apples are delicious The jury said she’s charming, but her exes say she’s wicked I swear to God, I saw her howling at the sky She ain’t out to get you, but she’s…
5 Red Flags You’re Dating A Guy With Mommy Issues
We often hear people talking about “daddy issues” in women but not much has been said about men with mommy issues.
4 High-Value Traits That Actually Make A Man “Husband Material” (That Are Astoundingly Rare)
What actually makes a man husband or boyfriend material? These four traits are astoundingly rare, yet these are exactly the traits you want to look for if you’re looking for a high-quality man.
5 Things That Actually Make A Woman “Wife Material” Only High-Quality Men Will Understand
High-quality men know that these are the actual traits and behaviors that make a woman “wife” material.
5 Dating Red Flags “Pick-Me” Women Tolerate That Alpha Women Don’t
Pick-me women may tolerate these red flags in dating, but “alpha” women with high standards don’t.