The Definitive Guide To All The Best Cameos And Guest Stars On Friends (And Some Surprises You Might Have Missed)
Here is an alphabetical list of the best cameos and guest stars on Friends (hint: there’s a lot!), with some you probably completely missed the first time around.
Kat George
“The One After The Superbowl” (Parts 1 & 2) was a star studded affair, but Julia Roberts as Susie Underpants steals the show, and Chandler’s dignity (if you believe he had any in the first place).
Kathleen Turner
Who better to play Chandler’s drag queen father than Kathleen Turner? She’s divine as Helena Handbasket, but will always be Beverley R. Sutphin to me.
Kristin Davis
In “The One Where Charlotte Dates Joey” (jokes, it’s actually “The One With Ross’ Library Book”), Kristin becomes Rachel and Phoebe’s new BFF, and breaks Joey’s heart.
Leah Remini
Leah Remini is that tiny little mediterranean lady that’s married to Kevin James on The King of Queens. In “The One With The Birth” she’s a sassy pregnant lady that Joey befriends and fights over sports with while Ben is being born elsewhere in the hospital.
Lea Thompson
I guess this was a Caroline in the City crossover (REMEMBER CAROLINE IN THE CITY?). In “The One With The Baby On The Bus” Caroline assumes Chandler and Joey are gay because they are two dudes with a baby, and Chandler and Joey obviously act completely homophobic for the rest of the episode.
Michael Vartan
Michael Vartan plays Tim Burke, Richard Burke’s son and Monica’s (weird) love interest for a second in “The One With Chandler In A Box”, but he will always be the dude from Never Been Kissed to me.
Melissa George
Melissa George is Emma’s lesbian nanny. Friends sure did love some lesbianism and also making sort-of sexist jokes about lesbianism (I’m looking at YOU, Joey Tribbiani).
Michael Rapaport
Michael Rapaport was a thickly accented Brooklyn cop–no surprises there–that Phoebe dated for a beat in Season 5. Until he shot a bird.
Morgan Fairchild
I’d love to see Chandler’s, Rachel’s and Ross/Monica’s moms all get into a Hunger Games style fight to the death. I think Nora Bing would put up a good fight but I’m going to give this one to Mrs. Gellar–she’s a dark horse, but I think she’d play dirty.
Olivia Williams
Of Rushmore/The 6th Sense/An Education fame, Olivia Williams plays Emily’s bridesmaid in “The One With Ross’ Wedding” and hooks up with Joey, making it possible for Rachel to storm the church and mix up the words in Ross’ head.
Paul Gleason
With a blink and you’ll miss it walk on in “The One That Could Have Been”, Paul Gleason (Die Hard, The Breakfast Club) plays Phoebe’s hypothetical, ruthless boss.
Paul Rudd
Phoebe gets to marry Paul Rudd. Phoebe wins Friends.
Phil Lewis
When Chandler decides to chase some dreams and go into advertising in “The One Where Rachel Goes Back To Work”, Phil Lewis becomes his boss.
Ralph Lauren
Ralph Lauren plays Ralph Lauren, and just sort of stands in a lift for a bit in “The One With Ross’ Teeth.”
Reese Witherspoon
Rachel’s other shitty sister is played (brilliantly) by a super bratty Reese Witherspoon. Here is a great screen grab of Rachel telling Joey to back the fuck up in “The One With Rachel’s Sister”.
Rebecca Romijn
Former wife of John Stamos, Rebecca Romijn dates Ross in “The One With The Dirty Girl” as the titular “Dirty Girl,” and she’s very good/funny.
Richard Branson
When the friends go to London for Ross’ wedding, Joey buys a stupid Union Jack hat like an idiot tourist from a souvenir vendor played by Richard Branson.
Ron Glass
This is one for all the Firefly fans out there: Shepherd Book is Ross’ divorce lawyer.
Sam McMurray
Sam McMurray, Chandler’s douchebag boss, is just one of those actors you know from “stuff.” Most notably, in my opinion, is Drop Dead Gorgeous.
Sarah, The Duchess of York
After Chandler storms of in a surly huff in “The One With Ross’ Wedding”, leaving Joey to be a cringey tourist in a dumb hat in London, Joey meets Fergie, played, obviously, by Fergie.
Sean Penn
In “The One With The Halloween Party”, Sean Penn teaches us the dangers of hooking up with twins.
Selma Blair
I always tend to skip over this episode–”The One With Christmas In Tulsa”–because it’s one of those cheap fillers that has loads of flashbacks. And as if it’s even a tiny bit believable that Chandler would even think about cheating on Monica.
Soleil Moon Frye
Yes, in “The One With The Girl Who Hits Joey”, Punky Brewster is the tiny lady beating up Joey.
Steve Zahn
I love Steve Zahn–more because of That Thing You Do and less because of Bandidas–and he’s super cute as Phoebe’s formerly gay husband turned straight ex husband in “The One With Phoebe’s Husband”.
Susan Sarandon
Susan Sarandon is obviously brilliant on Friends. In Season 7, “The One With Joey’s New Brain”, in something of a genius plotline, Joey’s character on Days of Our Lives gets a woman’s brain.
Tate Donovan
Remember when Jimmy Cooper used to date Jennifer Aniston. That was the 90s, man. He also played her love interest, Joshua, on season 4 of Friends, which led to a hysterical series of events in which Rachel attempted to get (and keep) his affection.
Thomas Lennon
Thomas Lennon is another one of those people you remember from everything, but Friends fans know that his defining role will always be as Joey’s identical hand twin in “The One In Vegas.”
Trudie Styler
In a really lame episode–”The One With Monica’s Boots” (seriously the boots story was weak)–Trudie Styler played herself while Phoebe pretended to be one of Ben’s lesbian mothers in order to get tickets to a Sting show. I just never understood why Phoebe, of all characters, would care so much about a Sting show.
Tom Selleck
Ah, the mustachioed Dr Richard Burke, man of all our dreams.
Winona Ryder
I feel like maybe Winona Ryder could have been high when they were filming “The One With Rachel’s Big Kiss”. There was just something about the weird way she elongated her words.