It’s Been 20 Years Since ‘Ella Enchanted:’ Reminisce With the 20 Best Quotes From the Fantasy Rom-Com


Anne Hathaway and Hugh Dancy in Ella Enchanted (2004)

It’s been 20 years since Anne Hathaway graced the silver screen as Ella, who is forced to do whatever she’s told after a fairy godmother bestows her with a magical talent that demands unbridled obedience. To no one’s surprise, this proves to be much more of a curse than a blessing, especially after Ella’s mother dies…leaving her with the crotchety and cruel Dame Olga. Ella embarks on a journey to find the fairy godmother and break this spell. 

The early aughts fantasy rom-com is a lighthearted adventure with a loveable Anne Hathaway at the center, whose charm and charisma elevate the film’s simple storyline. It’s got clever dialogue and many a smirk-inducing moment. So, on the 20th anniversary of the film, which premiered on April 9, 2004, let’s revisit our favorite quotes from the movie: 

Ella: “It’s not a question of can or can’t. There are some things in life you just do.”

Ella: “How about if I stop thinking about you? How about if I don’t want you anymore?” Prince Charmont: “How about if I want you?”

Benny: “Ah, young love. Full of promise, full of hope, ignorant of reality.”

Ella: “Are you suggesting that I don’t know my own feelings?” Sir Peter: “Precisely.”

Slannen: “I am going to be an actor, which, combined with my natural charisma, will win the heart of the kingdom.”

Sir Edgar: “I never loved your mother. My heart belongs to another. Unfortunately, she doesn’t reciprocate my feelings. But no matter, I shall turn her into a cockroach, or a toad. Maybe a slug.”

Lucinda: “Now, Ella, you’re going to meet a lot of people who will tell you who you are. But the real you is something you must decide for yourself.”

Ella: “Please don’t eat me, giant!” Olive: “I’m not gonna eat you. I’m a vegetarian.”

Prince Charmont: “I have to ask you a question. It’s a good one so think about it. Do you want to dance?”

Ella: “You want to know how I feel? I’ll tell you how I feel. This… stinks.”

Ella: “I’m not just falling in love with a boy. I’m falling in love with a kingdom, with a prince, with dreams.”

Prince Charmont: “I’m really good at… riding.”

Ella: “I’ve been cursed. It’s a story of honor, betrayal, and the power of love.”

Hattie: “Cinderella? Oh, yes! And after that, we can all join hands and sing songs about… kumbaya.”

Prince Charmont: “What’s with the books?” Ella: “I’m a big fan of the written word.” Prince Charmont: “Ah, that explains it. Well, I’ve always been more of a doer, myself.”

Ella: “So, who’s next for the throne?” Heston: “That would be me.” Ella: “Wow. You must be thrilled.”

Ella: “Do you always talk in questions?” Prince Charmont: “Do I?”

Hattie: “Oh, how dashing. Who are you going to kill?”

Narrator: “Ella tried to argue, but in the end, she agreed. That’s the problem with fairy tales: they don’t really leave you any choice.”

Ella: “No, I don’t want a ball. I want adventure in the great wide somewhere. I want it more than I can tell.”