With Love Season 2
‘With Love’ Season 2 | Prime Video

The 6 Most Lovable Characters From ‘With Love,’ Ranked


Which characters from ‘With Love’ are the most lovable? It’s hard to choose, but we’ve picked our top six.

Prime Video’s With Love from Gloria Calderón Kellet — the same brilliant mind behind Netflix’s canceled–too-soon One Day at a Time reboot — features a close-knit family viewers can’t help but fall in love with. This motley crew of characters, in search of romance and the secret to life fulfillment, boast clearly defined personalities and charming quirks. Each character brings something unique to the series — whether that be some spicy flirtation, relatable perfectionism, experiential wisdom, or fierce devotion. The question is: which characters are the most lovable? Which characters make With Love the series we have fallen in love with? 

Mild spoilers for ‘With Love’ season 2 ahead

6.Gladys Delgado (Gloria Calderón Kellett)

Tia Gladys is simply a hoot. She’s that energetic, high-spirited, wacky relative who’s got a quick tongue and a huge heart. She may flirt with your man a little on the dance floor, but it’s all in good fun. At the end of the day, she will put her life on the line for her family, but not without taking a few quick jabs first. You never know what she’s going to say or do, and she is responsible for a great deal of With Love’s funniest scenes. And Kellett is just eating this part up — delivering those juicy lines with the perfect balance of tongue-in-cheek playfulness and genuine flirtation. When Tia Gladys appears on the screen, the laughter quickly follows suit. Nothing beats unpredictable zaniness. 


5 . Jorge Diaz Jr. (Mark Indelicato) 

Jorge has a vision for every moment of his life. He has mapped out all the major occasions on Pinterest, and one misplaced flower in a centerpiece at his rehearsal dinner is catastrophic. His need for perfectionism is relatable to anyone who strives to execute their aspirations to a T. And — when he explains to his boyfriend the motivation behind his high-achieving, meticulous planning nature — one can’t help but empathize with Jorge. 

Jorge in 'With Love'
Jorge in ‘With Love’ | Prime Video

When he was younger, he felt that if he was perfect, “no one could dismiss [him] or reject [him]. “If every detail of [his] outfit or party or whatever was flawless,” he could escape teasing and bullying. Yet, as he matures and grows confident in the smart, thoughtful, and compassionate man he has become, he knows he can release that impulse. He knows it is time to enjoy the blissful relationship and life he’s dreamed of. It’s just not easy to shake lifelong, debilitating habits. Faults and flaws are not problems to be fixed, but aspects of our character to embrace. And Jorge’s journey to self-acceptance is one of the show’s most heartwarming throughlines.

4. Henry (Vincent Rodriguez III) 

Henry is a devoted and patient boyfriend whose love for Jorge comes pouring out of every decision he makes. He even orchestrates an entire song-and-dance routine to propose to the man he cannot live without — after asking for his parents’ blessings in an act that represents Henry’s respect for Jorge’s family traditions. Some may say that one need not “ask the parents’ blessing” in the 21st century, but it’s a considerate and sweet gesture that goes a long way for Jorge’s family. 

Henry and Jorge in 'With Love' on Prime
Henry and Jorge Jr. in ‘With Love’ | Prime Video

Henry is also the calm to Jorge’s chaos. In all transparency, Jorge is not exactly low-maintenance. Yet, Henry never seems to grow impatient with Jorge. Even when they fight, he makes sure to listen to what Jorge has to say, so that the argument serves a purpose — instead of simply leading to festering aggravation. Henry also loves Jorge’s family and makes sacrifices (like moving back across the country), so Jorge can be close to his family. Love is compromise. Love is sacrifice. Love is patient. Love is welcoming. Love is respect. Henry knows this and puts all these admirable attributes into practice in his relationship.  

3. Miles Murphy (Todd Grinnell)

Miles takes in Sol’s family as if they’re his own, and he looks after them as such (even worrying about a skin spot he sees on her grandfather’s chest — and must proceed to examine). How do you not love the worrier in the bunch? How do you not fall for the caretaker who brings his significant other breakfast in bed? How does your heart not melt as he learns Spanish on DuoLingo to strengthen the bond between Sol’s family and himself? 

'With Love'
Miles, Sol, and Miles’ child in ‘With Love’ | IMDb

He’s easily one of the show’s most thoughtful and considerate characters, and he’s quite selfless. While many of the characters in this show have some self-serving tendencies, he is a Doctor when at the office and when at home — never stopping to put others’ needs before his. Even when he doesn’t realize he’s in a queer relationship, he’s quick to listen to how he has upset his significant other, Sol, who is non-binary. He’s quick to ask for information to understand where he’s gone wrong and work on his naive ignorance. He’s not perfect, but he leads with love. 

He’s also got an adorable side smirk that works wonders for him, visually complementing his good-boy nature. 

2. Marta Delgado (Renee Victor) 

The matriarch. Marta Delgado comes rushing into the kitchen to share some juicy chisme (gossip) with her daughters the second she’s got her finger on it. When it comes to spilling the tea, we’ve learned from the likes of Bridgerton that those with a few years under their belt do it best. Marta knows how to rally the masses to get the answers she needs. She knows how to orchestrate a little plan — how to puppeteer a few relatives — to uncover any secrets. She’s fun and oh-so-loving. She lights up any room she’s in, as she dances with her husband or watches in awe as her family celebrates life. 


Marta, in season 2, episode 2, shows her resiliency, devotion, and bravery in a way that leads to waterfalls (in a show that’s normally lighthearted). When Miles and Sol tell Marta that her husband confused Miles with a relative from his past, she informs them that she’s on top of it. Her husband has dementia, and she’s already been to the doctor. She tells them that when he forgets, she will remember for him. And at this moment, you see the power of a marriage that has stood the test of time — the true meaning of “in sickness and in health.” Marta has been carrying this burden, yet walking with her shoulders back…light as a feather. That degree of strength is admirable and inspiring. 

1. Lily Diaz (Emeraude Toubia) 

We all know at least one Lily in our lives — the hot mess who’s got a ton of ambition but needs to learn how to execute her dreams. She needs to learn how to take that unbridled drive and sculpt a roadmap. Eventually, she will. 

She’s also a bit boy-crazy (relatable), and she can’t help but take her shot at the cutest guy on the dancefloor. And, why not? Why shouldn’t she have the best? She leaves her brother’s apartment in shambles — with undergarments just randomly thrown on chairs and the rest of her clothing and belongings spread out in tornado fashion. 


If you don’t know someone like this, you are Lily. And who could forget when she masturbates to the thought of home ownership — sipping a glass of wine in a luxurious clawfoot tub filled to the brim with bubbles? Yes, she may sometimes think about all the boys (and even girls) who have aroused her, but men and women can’t compete with million-dollar homes when it comes to the erotic. It’s funny and so relatable for the millennials watching. She’s going through a quarter-life crisis — ever-so-slightly delayed some may say — but she’s got her own path to take. A path that may come with love, heartache, disappointment, and moments of bliss. She’s on a roller coaster, and Lily, rather than begging to get off the ride, throws her hands in the air and screams. And, for that alone, she is a person we can all learn something from.