Thot Catalog (The Definitive Anthology Of Thot Puns)
“Thot,” an acronym for “That Ho Out There” or “That Ho Over There,” popularized via Chicago drill music artists like Chief Keef, has been one of my favorite words recently, not because of the word itself, but because of the ridiculous puns that can be created with it.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DdL_e7CtNJA&w=584&h=390%5D
Here is a list of the best Thot puns my friends and I have thot of:
- Harry Thotter
- Harlem Globe Thotters
- F. Thot Fitzgerald
- Thotom and Gommorah
- Mathottma Ghandi
- Let the thotties hit the floor
- Last King of Thotland
- The Thottoman Empire
- The thot heard ’round the world
- Thotswana
- Eternal Sunshine of the Thotless Mind
- OxyThotin
- Thötley Crüe
- Get in the zone … Thotto Zone
- Elementary, my dear Thotson
- Thot Sauce Williams
- Thotlanta
- Hillary Thotham Clinton
- Thotoerotica
- Thotwurst
- Bodhi Thotva
- Leon Thotsky
- Mildly Thotistic
- Thot Catalog
Feel free to add your thots below.