I'm Finally Ready To Confess What Happened To Me The Summer Of 1994 At 'The Covington House'

I’m Finally Ready To Confess What Happened To Me The Summer Of 1994 At ‘The Covington House’

You know the host of that show, “Adam Ruins Everything”? His name is like, I wanna say Raoul? Well, Raoul claims that most of our childhood memories are actually just figments of our imagination, mainly on account of how suggestible long-term memory can be. Here’s my question:

What if I never had to use my long-term memory to recall the specifics of an event from my childhood because I never forgot said event in the first place? What if there wasn’t a single day in the weeks and months and years that would follow where I didn’t spend at least a few minutes painstakingly inventorying the memory of that one specific, particularly traumatizing series of moments?

Because I can still recall the sense of dread that overcame me that night as I watched Pops’s head collapse onto his pillow despite his own best efforts to stay conscious, how absolutely helpless I had suddenly felt, and then how all of that fear and worry suddenly vanished…

Of course, what happened next was obviously this thing fucking with me as well but I can still remember how at the time, it seemed like a perfectly natural reaction to forget about all of that useless fear and concern. Without even really thinking about it, my grip on the curtain tightened as I turned back to the window and pulled it aside.

When Joel isn’t writing creepy-ass short stories, he can be found scripting and acting in subversive comedy sketches on YouTube. You can follow Joel on Twitter or support him on Patreon, if you’re into that.

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