I'm Finally Ready To Confess What Happened To Me The Summer Of 1994 At 'The Covington House'

I’m Finally Ready To Confess What Happened To Me The Summer Of 1994 At ‘The Covington House’

I assume they had taken my recent bout with loneliness as a cry for help (or at least the WRONG kind of cry for help) and their hearts had been in the right place. Either way, the last thing I was looking for at that particular moment in my life was a date, let alone a blind one.

So, you can just imagine how much more awkward it got when I met them outside the movie theater that Friday night to spot some random, admittedly attractive girl standing next to my friend and his fiance, only to THEN realize that I could literally hear what this girl was thinking…

He’s not ugly, I guess. Tall. The hair’s a bit much. I mean who’s that trying to impress?

The moment she and I locked eyes, these foreign thoughts suddenly appeared in my mind just as they had that night at the Covington house when I locked eyes with the man in the woods. And then, in the same instant I discovered I could read this girl’s mind, I realized that Gabby (I even knew her name now) could also read mine.

That much was clear by the identical expressions of shock that had appeared on both of our faces as I approached. From some far off place, I could hear us being introduced and I opened my mouth to say something but before I found out what that would have been, Gabby said, “So, obviously this isn’t going to work. It was nice meeting you, though.”

“You too,” I replied with a nod as Gabby turned and started toward the adjacent parking garage.

When Joel isn’t writing creepy-ass short stories, he can be found scripting and acting in subversive comedy sketches on YouTube. You can follow Joel on Twitter or support him on Patreon, if you’re into that.

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