I Found An Old VCR And I Think It’s Possessed: Here’s My Evidence
“WHAT?” I nearly hissed as I quickly spun to face Brett, whose arm was poised and ready to throw another tot at me.
“You got a VCR I can borrow?”
I tried my best not to smile. “As a matter of fact, I do.”
To say that Brett looked surprised when I pulled the bulky machine from my locker and placed it in his outstretched arms would be an understatement. “Here. You can keep it.”
“Really? …Thanks, man.”
I shut my locker and smiled at him. “Go fuck yourself, Brett.”
I walked off, leaving him standing there beside my locker and looking more than a little confused. When I was halfway down the hall, Brett turned and shouted, “Oh… I get it!”
I spent the rest of that day trying not to think too much about what I had just done. Sure, I felt a little guilty about giving the VCR to Brett but then again, it was Brett that I gave it to. Besides, I think we can all agree that he had been asking for it. And I don’t just mean literally.
Still, I couldn’t quite shake the feeling that even a total douche like Brett Marshal didn’t deserve to die. But who was to say that was going to happen? For all I knew, the VCR would work just fine and Brett would get to abuse himself to his heart’s content.