Contraceptive Methods Ranked By Male Pleasure

Method: Rhythm
Summary: Calendar-based contraception.
Commentary: A women is only fertile for about 12 days after her menstrual cycle. Short of “period sex,” there is about a 10-day window in which our couple may engage in sexual intercourse when she is neither menstruating or fertile. We shall however, in consideration of brevity, herein ignore pre- and post-ovulatory infertile phase(s) and their respective math. In the back of the male’s mind during coitus, or at the grim reality immediately following orgasm, the male may become preoccupied with worry, since many women are not organized and do not have a great sense of time. Catholics and flighty hippies share their sole overlap in using this method, it being the most “organic” contraceptive method available. Do note that engaging in “period sex” expands our window by seven days, and laundry by two.
Chance of pregnancy: 9%
Other factors: Risk of STDs; scheduling conflicts; non-menstrual anovulatory bleeding may throw off the calendar.
Male pleasure: ★★

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