This Is Officially Your New Favorite Music Video (And Song, Probably)
"Chandelier" — and its amazing video — might finally make America as obsessed with Sia as it should be.
I don’t really know why America hasn’t caught on that Sia is someone we need to be obsessed with. (But then again, it took us a shamefully long time to follow the rest of the world and get onboard with the magical unicorn that is Robyn so I mean.) Sia’s native Australia has been bowing down for years, and after too long of just peeking into the general American pop culture consciousness, I have a feeling Sia is about to really happen here. (You do know who Sia is — her songs have been on every show ever.)
And what does she need to make that happen? A song that everyone gets excited to drink to, and a video that no one can stop watching. Enter “Chandelier” (which stars one of those kids from Dance Moms, who is 11 years old. 11 years old. I don’t know if we should be more in love with Sia or this absurdly talented kid in a Sia-style wig.) Done and so fucking done. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to watch this for the 20th time today.