Pagan Names

150 Pagan Names

The pagan tradition has deep roots that extend throughout European history. The names on this list will plunge you deep into ancient fairy tales and fables that come from a mystical world of heroes and heroines.


The word “pagan” comes from a Latin word meaning “country dweller.” It was actually an ancient synonym for “hick” or “hillbilly,” as it referred to people out beyond the ancient cities who weren’t bound to any urban mythologies or traditions.

For two thousand years now, the word “pagan” has generally referred to all indigenous European religions and cultures that arose in Europe outside of Christianity. It has often been used as a disparaging term but in recent years, the whole idea of paganism has experienced a revival.

The pagan tradition has deep roots that extend throughout European history. The names on this list will plunge you deep into ancient fairy tales and fables that come from a mystical world of heroes and heroines.

1. Abraxas

2. Aiden

3. Amaranth

4. Andromeda

5. Argent

6. Arwen

7. Astra

8. Babel

9. Barthelemy

10. Belladonna

11. Blackthorn

12. Blossom

13. Bram

14. Bronwyn

15. Buckthorn

16. Calandra

17. Calliope

18. Candyce

19. Carthage

20. Cassiopeia

21. Centaurus

22. Chronos

23. Circe

24. Dahlia

25. Daphne

26. Daystar

27. Deirdre

28. Delphi

29. Druidia

30. Dune

31. Echo

32. Edda

33. Electra

34. Elspeth

35. Faron

36. Fenrir

37. Fiona

38. Galen

39. Gilgamesh

40. Gwydion

41. Hailstone

42. Harmonia

43. Hecate

44. Hedda

45. Helios

46. Hermes

47. Hippolyta

48. Hypatia

49. Iris

50. Isis

51. Jacinda

52. Jasper

53. Jocasta

54. Juniper

55. Karnak

56. Kegan

57. Kieran

58. Lachlan

59. Lark

60. Leonidas

61. Leticia

62. Lilith

63. Luna

64. Lyra

65. Magus

66. Mandrake

67. Mavis

68. Meadow

69. Medusa

70. Mithras

71. Moon

72. Moonstone

73. Nadith

74. Neala

75. Nestor

76. Nightshade

77. Nova

78. Oberon

79. Ono

80. Onyx

81. Opalina

82. Ophelia

83. Oran

84. Orestes

85. Orin

86. Orion

87. Pegasus

88. Penelope

89. Peregrine

90. Persephone

91. Petal

92. Petra

93. Phoebe

94. Phoenix

95. Piper

96. Polaris

97. Polydora

98. Poseidon

99. Prometheus

100. Randolf

101. Raven

102. Rhiannon

103. Sabina

104. Sapphyre

105. Selena

106. Sophia

107. Talon

108. Tamarind

109. Tamerlane

110. Tara

111. Tarragon

112. Telluria

113. Tempest

114. Thalestris

115. Thastius

116. Thora

117. Tiamat

118. Tiara

119. Topaz

120. Ulysses

121. Umbra

122. Urania

123. Ursula

124. Vale

125. Vaughn

126. Vega

127. Volva

128. Vortex

129. Vulcan

130. Waldron

131. Willow

132. Windflower

133. Winter

134. Wolf

135. Wynnfrith

136. Xander

137. Xantha

138. Xenophon

139. Yorik

140. Yosemite

141. Zale

142. Zea

143. Zelenia

144. Zeno

145. Zenovia

146. Zephira

147. Zephyr

148. Zoe

149. Zoroastres

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