16 Women Reveal What Turns Them Off About A Man

Cheap Guys.


Neighbors (Blu-ray + DVD + DIGITAL HD)
Neighbors (Blu-ray + DVD + DIGITAL HD)

1. “Cheap Guys..
..I don’t mind paying every once in a while but if I’m not your girlfriend yet & you’re still trying to win me over, you should at least be paying for the first couple of dates.. Geez, why are guys so cheap now a days? BIGGEST TURN OFF EVER.”

2. “I HATE when guys bring up other girls..
..that they have been with or slept with trying to make me jealous or make themselves sound good. It just makes them sound insecure and not worth it. Biggest turn off for me.”

3. “A man that can’t let go and just have fun…
..life shouldn’t be solely based on working. You need to take time and enjoy the little things. It’ll be over before you know it and you only get one chance to live your life!”

4. “A cocky or arrogant guy…
…guys who think they are above or better than woman”

5. “I Cannot stand when guys talk about money..
..whether it be that they have plenty of money or whether they’re broke. Keep your money issues to yourself, it isn’t attractive when you tell me how broke you are..”

6. “A man that can’t keep his word..
..don’t tell me you’re going to do something if you’re not. Don’t make plans/promises to take me somewhere and then not do it. Guys that talk a big game but never follow through- TURN OFF!”

7. “Self-centered guys…
..you think you’re god’s gift.. But you’re not.”

8. “Stinky Breath…
..that’s the worst, so disgusting.”

9. “Slobs..
..don’t show up somewhere like a mess, you can take 5 minutes to fix your hair and brush your teeth.”

10. “Bad hygiene..
If you smell bad, stay far away from me.”

11. “Everything turns me off
..maybe I should be a lesbian? Haha”

12. “Insecurity..
..it can present itself in many ways, from cockiness to control issues. Avoid it at all costs.”

13. “Lazy guys..
a guy with no motivation to do anything, get off your ass and do something with your life!”

14. “A guy who thinks its cool to make fun of people..
..well it just makes you look stupid, get a life.”

I can’t stand a cheap guy..that has to be the worst.”

16. Boys…I mean “men” who can’t communicate..
..if they can’t communicate their feelings it just isn’t gonna work.” Thought Catalog Logo Mark