January Nelson
January Nelson is a writer, editor, and dreamer. She writes about astrology, games, love, relationships, and entertainment. January graduated with an English and Literature degree from Columbia University.
9 ‘Positive’ Personality Traits That Most People Actually Hate
1. Excessive Cheerfulness Over-the-top positivity can feel disingenuous and even irritating in situations where a more balanced reaction is expected. 2.
4 Habits To Break You Out Of Middle-Class Complacency
Life comes with a lot of unspoken rules about how to behave, how to succeed, and how to get ahead.
People With Self-Respect Always Exhibit Behaviors Like This
1. They don’t think their puzzle piece is broken just because they keep trying to fit it with mismatches. They don’t confuse a wrong relationship for there being something wrong about them. 2.
30 Things That Make No Sense In ‘Harry Potter’
Some ‘Harry Potter’ fans on Ask Reddit have questions about the film. 1. They are able to literally grow bones back from nothing but can’t fix Harry’s eyesight so he doesn’t need glasses. 2.
13 Unrealistic, Yet Funny Life Lessons From The TV Show ‘Suits’
Suits strikes a unique balance between the clever storytelling typical of an HBO series and the over-the-top absurdity you’d find in a low-budget soap opera.
7 Helpful Business Lessons From ‘Suits’
Is the TV show Suits realistic? The answer is a loud no.
Love The Person You Are Becoming
Right now I want you to look back at your life for a second. Look back so you know how you want to move forward.
Read This If You’re A Tidal Wave Of Emotions
It is utterly overwhelming to experience so many emotions at once. Ever feel frustrated, sad, motivated, irritated, and overwhelmed at the same time? It’s okay if you do.
What You Learn From Love and Loss
This is an open letter to you. This is an open letter to anyone. These words can be used for whomever, whenever, wherever. Let these words help you, as they have helped me. 1.
Read This If You Have Trouble With Love
Love isn’t easy. If it was, then everyone would be in love all the time. While some people are hopeless romantics, others struggle with love and intimacy. It’s okay if you struggle.
If You’re Settling, Remind Yourself Of Your Worth
You. Yes, you. Are you loved the way you ought to be loved? Are you satisfied with yourself and does your partner make you feel whole? Does your partner realize that they should be WORTHY to be with you?
How To Be Brave In Your Relationship
Throughout childhood we are introduced to the term “bravery” by means of knights in shining armor, fighting and defeating mythical beasts, and saving the day. However, life is far from these fairytales. Today, bravery is speaking your mind.
The Brutal Truth About Trying To Date Your Best Friend
They always say date your best friend. You already know you are compatible as friends. A relationship will just make all of those best friend feelings explode into romantic goodness right? Well, the answer is sometimes. Only sometimes.
Finding Peace Of Mind After Addiction – Why It’s So Important To Get Tested For Hepatitis C
One of the most common risks for people navigating addiction is contracting Hepatitis C (Hep C). Our series, Turning Points, is dedicated to giving former addicts and their partners a platform to share their recovery journeys.
Best Hookup Sites of 2024: Your Guide to Finding Casual Connections
Our 30 best hookup sites and apps to suit everyone’s sexual preferences, kinks, and more. Find casual adult dating sites online in the USA for quick hookups now.
50+ Dirty Knock-Knock Jokes for a Belly Laugh in 2023
Looking for a good laugh? Take a look at these knock knock jokes to get a chuckle.
Exposing The Best To Worst Girlfriends, Based On Your Birth Month
December A December girlfriend is one of the most generous and loyal partners you’ll ever be with. She values honesty above all else, which makes you feel like she is so easy to trust and to be vulnerable with.
22 Dad Memes to Make You Laugh This Weekend (April 21-23)
You love your dad. You appreciate your dad. But that doesn’t mean you aren’t allowed to laugh at your dad or even laugh at jokes your dad might laugh at.