With Love, Meghan / Netflix

Is The New Netflix Series With Meghan Markle Totally Tone-Deaf Or The Perfect Watch?

A fancy home and lifestyle show might feel a little out of touch right now, but 'With Love, Meghan' actually offers a cozy, feel-good vibe and reminder that you can create little moments of joy in your own lives. And right now, we could all use a little more of that.


Meghan Markle is back in the spotlight—this time, not as a royal, but starring in Netflix’s newest lifestyle series.

Before the royal title and all the headlines, Meghan was known for her role in Suits and her lifestyle blog, The TIG. Yes, there was that short-lived Spotify podcast, Archetypes, but now she’s fully immersed in the lifestyle space with her new Netflix series, With Love, Meghan.

Ever since it was announced, people have thoughts (because, of course they do). Tina Brown, former editor of Vanity Fair, described the show as showcasing “fake perfection” and being out of touch with current cultural sentiments, while Variety labeled the series a “Montecito ego trip not worth taking.”

Ouch – but I get it, a fancy home and lifestyle show feels a bit tone-deaf right now, but why is Meghan getting all the hate when she’s just doing what tons of other lifestyle icons like Martha Stewart, Padma Lakshmi, and Gwyneth Paltrow have been doing for years now?

I decided to tune in and see how I actually felt about With Love, Meghan. Is it worth the watch?

So, what’s With Love, Meghan all about?

The whole show is basically Meghan’s spin on turning normal moments like cooking, gardening and hosting into something extra special, whether it’s for her friends, family, or herself. I do agree that it comes across as an overly staged attempt to showcase a picture-perfect, idyllic lifestyle, but there’s still a feeling of inspiration when you see someone romanticize their life, and it immediately makes you want to do the same for yours, for better ..or for worse.

Each episode features a guest, usually someone she’s close to, which adds a personal touch that truly makes the show feel a bit more real. She talks with Mindy Kaling, Roy Choi, Victoria Jackson, and more as if they were old friends. As Meghan and Mindy plan a kid’s tea party, you get a glimpse into both women’s lives behind the scenes. At least it’s the shiny made-for-TV version of their lives, just like the beautiful travel photos of an Instagram influencer.

Is it worth the watch?

With Love, Meghan is the perfect cozy, feel-good show you need when everything feels overwhelming and you need a picture-perfect escape. There’s something about lifestyle and home content that makes you feel like you’re actually learning new tips or tricks that you can add into your own life.

Are the tips and tricks a bit out of touch and completely beyond most people’s tax brackets? Yes. But is it a good reminder that we can create small moments of joy in our own way, with whatever works for us? Also yes. And let’s be real, right now, we could all use a little more of that.