Read This If You Have Trouble With Love


Love isn’t easy. If it was, then everyone would be in love all the time. While some people are hopeless romantics, others struggle with love and intimacy. It’s okay if you struggle. It’s okay if you need help understanding your emotions. Most importantly it’s okay if you have trouble with love.

Loving someone is hard. It takes work and it takes dedication. Above all it takes a certain appreciation for yourself and for your partner. You lay your heart on the line and that’s not easy. It’s not easy to be emotionally vulnerable and raw, especially when there is always a risk of things falling apart.

So here is me telling you that it’s okay.

It’s okay if you struggle to open up. You are just working things out and letting yourself understand your feelings.

It’s okay if your idea of love isn’t this huge romanticized production. Your love can be simple. It can be calm. It can be wild. It can be thrilling. Love is what YOU make it to be.

It’s okay if you have trouble showing your emotions. Not everyone can cry. Not everyone can reach deep within their soul and understand how to make sense of their feelings. Start by focusing on your emotions internally instead of putting pressure on yourself to show them to others.

It’s okay if you don’t want to dive in to love. Take your time. You should take all the time you need and more. Don’t let anyone pressure you to feel things prematurely.

It’s okay if you have been hurt before. We all have our baggage and we all have our scars. Accept your past and know that the sun will come out tomorrow.

It’s okay if love challenges you at first. Embrace this adversity and don’t back down when things seem hard. It’s important that you learn to grow outside of your comfort zone.

It’s okay to put physical intimacy on side for a bit. Sex can be so fleeting and temporary, while emotions multiply and grow throughout your head and your heart. Don’t let sex define your relationship and learn how to channel your emotions instead.

It’s okay if you never want to be in love.

It’s okay if you are afraid. Hopefully someday you will be with someone who will ease your fears.

It’s okay if you feel intimidated. Let yourself learn about the kind of love you want.

It’s okay if you don’t want to be in distress. You don’t need saving. Save yourself first. Then find someone who will go along with you on the ride.

It’s okay to let yourself try and fail at love. Make mistakes and learn from them. Embrace your errors and keep moving forward. No one knows what love is or what it means until they LEARN.

Most importantly, love yourself first. Love who you are and what you have become. It’s okay if you struggle to love others, but make sure that you are your first love.