50+ Hilarious, Cheesy Star Wars Pick Up Lines
Moises Alex

50+ Hilarious Star Wars Pick Up Lines 

If you're looking for a way into a science fiction lover's heart, here are some funny Star Wars pick up lines to share. They're going to love them!


If you want to date a Star Wars fan, use quotes and references from the movie to impress them. Any guy or girl will swoon over lines Star Wars inspired. If you’re looking for a way into a science fiction lover’s heart, here are some funny Star Wars pick up lines to share. They’re going to love them!

Funny Star Wars Pick Up Lines

If you use a Star Wars pick up line from below, your crush is bound to fall in love with you!

  1. Are you related to Yoda? Because you are yodalicious.
  2. I can make you breathe harder than Darth Vadar.
  3. You stole my heart like the rebels stole the Death Star plans.
  4. Knock, knock! Who’s there? Baby Yoda. Baby Yoda who? Baby Yoda one that I want!
  5. If I were a Jedi, would you be my strength?
  6. You can’t be a real stormtrooper… This photo of you shot me right in the heart and didn’t miss.
  7. You’re as bright as a lightsaber. I saw you beaming from across the room.
  8. You’re the Obi-Wan for me.
  9. How can you be from an ice planet when you’re so Hoth?
  10. I love you to the Death Star and back.
  11. I’ve been told my Jedi tricks will blow your mind.
  12. Is that a lightsaber in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
  13. Let’s go back to my Ewok village and yub nub all night.
  14. I may not be able to feel the Force, but I wish I could feel you.
  15. The power to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of our love.
  16. Not a Dagobah that I don’t think about you.
  17. I could spend a millennium in your falcon.
  18. Size matters not.
  19. Did it hurt when you fell from Cloud City?
  20. I may look like an Ewok, but I’m all Wookie where it counts, baby.

Funny Star Wars Pickup Lines

The funny lines below are going to get everyone laughing!

  1. Are you a Sith Lord? Because I’ve Fallen for you.
  2. I can’t help it — I am trapped in the gravitational field of your eyes!
  3. You stole my heart like the republic stole the death star plans.
  4. Have you been looking for love in Alderaan places?
  5. Tell me of this thing you humans call love.
  6. You’re Endor-able.
  7. I may not be Luke’s father, but I can be your daddy.
  8. Did you know the French say orgasms are like little death stars?
  9. I farm moisture for a living.
  10. Damn, you R2 fine. If you’re lucky, I’ll let you give me the D2.
  11. I’m here to collect the bounty on dat ass.
  12. I find your lack of nudity disturbing…
  13. Let’s get hoth and heavy.
  14. Nice buns, Princess.
  15. Date or date not. There is no maybe.
  16. Earth woman, prepare to be probed!
  17. How about you come back to my place so I can touch your naboobies.
  18. I feel a great disturbance in my pants…
  19. I hope you’re into cyborg-human relations, because I’m feeling like a machine right now.
  20. I know what you’re thinking: That’s no moon, that’s a space station!
green frog plush toy on brown textil
Jonathan Cooper / Unsplash

Hilarious Star Wars Pick Up Lines

If you use a line from below, you’re sure to capture someone’s heart!

  1. R4 is red, R2 is blue. If I was the Force, I’d be with you.
  2. Will you be the Leia to my Han so I won’t have to be Solo?
  3. Scanners show sexy life forms in this area… Oh, it’s only you.
  4. Baby, we don’t need a holodeck.
  5. I’ll make all your fantasies come true.
  6. It’s cold outside, baby. Let’s play Empire Strikes Back. You can be a Tauntaun, and I’ll get inside you.
  7. Wouldn’t you like to feel the force flowing within you?
  8. I’m looking for a Jedi in the streets, but a Sith in the sheets.
  9. I have a laser sword that could penetrate your body, but it wouldn’t kill you, it would heal you.
  10. I usually Han Solo, but I’d let you turn on my lightsaber!
  11. I wanna Lando in your Calrissian.
  12. Many Bothans died so we could screw.
  13. Unlike Han, I don’t shoot first.
  14. I just got a big TV. Want to watch Star Wars and after a fight in the bedroom?
  15. I’d shoot my rocket in your thermal exhaust port.
  16. Don’t worry baby, if I get tired there are 3 million more of me.
  17. My barge isn’t the only thing ready to explode.
  18. Damn, girl. You R2 fine.
  19. You are the Obi-Wan I have been looking for.
  20. I must be drawn to the force, because Yoda only one for me.

Clever Star Wars Pickup Lines

These pick up lines are cheesy, but you should still share them with fellow fans!

  1. Take off your armor… No need to be a stormtrooper around me.
  2. You’re so beautiful. You wanna be my Na-boo?
  3. You are the droid I’ve been looking for.
  4. Are you the force? ‘Cause I’m attracted to you.
  5. I did the Kessel Run in under 12 parsecs, but I’m gonna take it slow with you.
  6. I’d join the dark side as long as you were there.
  7. Don’t make Han fly solo tonight.
  8. Do you understand the binary language of moisture vaporators? Because I’d like to program your binary loadlifter.
  9. Want to spend the night inside my tauntaun? I promise it doesn’t smell worse on the inside.
  10. I would hit that like the side of a tree on Endor.
  11. Open up your hangar. My starfighter needs refueling.
  12. Obi-Wan told me to follow my instincts, and my instincts are all over you.
  13. You like Star Wars? Let’s go back to my place and violate the Jedi Code.
  14. I could get you undressed in less than 12 parsecs.
  15. Let’s role play. You be Darth Vader, and you can use all the force on me.
  16. I like you so much that we should get matching Tatooines.
  17. You’re hotter than the flames on Mustafar.
  18. Your smile glows brighter than a lightsaber.
  19. Why don’t we head to my bedroom, peel back my Star Wars sheets, and discover what a true Jedi can do with his light-saber?
  20. If you think Chewbacca is hairy, wait until you see my wookiee!

Best Star Wars Pick Up Lines

If you use a cheesy line inspired by Star Wars, it will help your crush see just how funny you are!

  1. Leia’s buns ain’t got nothing on yours, baby.
  2. When I saw you across the crowded cantina, my crotch felt like it went through an instant carbon freeze chamber.
  3. I must be from Alderaan, cause you just blew up my world.
  4. Can I see your garbage mashers on the detention level?
  5. I’m here to rescue you. I’ve been told I have the cool sexual prowess of a Romulan.
  6. You, me, here… this couldn’t be any better if I programmed the holodeck myself!
  7. Well, aren’t you just a rebel! You stole my heart when you walked through the door.
  8.  The force is strong with this one… Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

January Nelson

January Nelson

January Nelson is a writer, editor, and dreamer. She writes about astrology, games, love, relationships, and entertainment. January graduated with an English and Literature degree from Columbia University.