5 Things To Remember If Your Girlfriend's Love Language Is Quality Time
Wright Brand Bacon

5 Things To Remember If Your Girlfriend’s Love Language Is Quality Time

Physically being in the room with her isn't enough. You need to be there emotionally as well. 


1. It doesn’t matter what you’re doing — but it matters that you’re present. She isn’t going to care whether you’re taking her out on some expensive, fancy excursion or whether you’re setting up a fun activity in the middle of your living room. Simply spending time with you is going to be enough. However, you need to be fully present. If you keep checking your texts or scrolling through social media, then she’s going to feel like she only has half of your attention. When she’s with you, she wants your full attention on her. She wants to know you’re happy to be there. She doesn’t want to feel like you have better things to do.

2. You can always make more time. You might feel like you’re too swamped with work to dedicate enough time to your relationship — but you don’t need to spend whole weekends with her in order to make her happy. If you spend your fifteen-minute lunch break on the phone with her or take her out for a quick dinner after your shift, she’s going to be excited. All she wants is to spend time with you. If you are unable to prioritize her, even a little bit, then she’s going to start questioning the relationship. She needs to know she’s an important piece of your world and words aren’t enough. She needs your actions to back up your claims.

3. Make sure you pay close attention to what she’s saying. Even if you’re not staring at your phone, that doesn’t mean you’re actively listening to her. She doesn’t want you to nod along to her stories, pretending to listen. She doesn’t want your mind to wander to other things you need to get done later while she’s in the middle of speaking. She wants to have deep, insightful conversations with you. She wants to know that you’re really connecting. Physically being in the room with her isn’t enough. You need to be there emotionally as well.

4. Even mundane things can give you a chance to connect. You might feel like you don’t have time to see her because you have to run to the store and walk your dogs and change the oil in your car — but you can do those chores with her. You can ask her to tag along with you. You don’t have to wait until you have concert tickets or dinner reservations to see her. You can involve her in your normal, day-to-day life and see if she’s interested. She’ll probably be excited to be invited.

5. Sharing a hobby is the best way to bond. If you create a routine you can stick to every week, you’ll always get plenty of quality time together. You could sign up for a cooking class or join the same gym or read the same book at the same time so you can discuss it when you see each other. The options are endless. Pick whatever you believe you’ll both have a fun time experiencing and make sure you stick to it! Thought Catalog Logo Mark