200+ Rest in Peace Messages to Send After a Loss [2020]
A kind word or phrase can change someone’s life. Although it’s the sentiment that counts, the phrase rest in peace is too simple. You should send a condolence message with some heart. Here are a few examples of a rest in peace message that will bring your loved ones comfort after a death:
Rest in peace quotes to write in a condolence card:
1. I wanted to send my sincere condolences to you and your family.
2. Heaven has gained a new angel tonight.
3. If you need to talk, I’m always here for you. I will always answer the phone.
4. I’m sending my thoughts and prayers to your family during this terrible time.
5. Words cannot describe my sorrow. I’m so sorry for your loss.
6. Your loved ones might not be here, but their memories will remain forever.
7. May God grant you strength during this difficult time.
8. Please accept my condolences for your loss.
9. I’m here if you need absolutely anything. Please don’t hesitate to call.
10. I can’t remember the last time I cried so many tears. This death will weigh heavily on us all.
11. Nothing is more painful than losing a loved one. I’m sending you the strength to get through this tragedy.
12. The world can be so cruel. I’m so sorry this happened to you.
13. I’m so sorry to hear about the loss of such a wonderful, kindhearted person.
14. Teardrops are running down my face as I write this goodbye.
15. I wish this was a dream. It’s too horrible to be true. But just know, I’m always here for you.
16. Your loved one may be gone from this earth, but now they are in a heavenly paradise.
17. This condolence card is hard to write, but I hope it expresses how much you and your family mean to me. I love you always.
18. Remember, you are not alone during this horrible time. You have us.
19. It’s okay to cry. Grieving is going to lead to healing.
20. I hope that time will heal your family and bring you peace.
21. Tonight, I will light a candle in your loved one’s honor. RIP.
22. Don’t let this death shake your faith. They are somewhere better now.
23. I hope this message finds you well. I’m so sorry for your sudden loss.
24. I’m sending my love to you and your entire family. Stay strong.
25. My family’s thoughts and prayers are with your family.
26. Words fall short during times like this. I wish you the best.
27. My heart is heavy with my sincerest sympathy.
28. I hope this outpouring of love brings you some semblance of comfort.
29. Death stops our loved ones from suffering, but puts us through pain. It’s just not fair.
30. I’m not exactly sure what to say, but I hope you’re doing okay.
31. I wish I could heal your pain. I’m so sorry you’re going through this loss.
32. I know this is a difficult time. I’m sending you love and strength.
33. I hope your memories bring you comfort and peace.
34. There’s nothing I can say to make this pain go away, but I want you to know I’m here for you. Always.
35. No one can prepare you for loss, but we’re going to get through this together.
36. I cannot even begin to understand what you’re going through right now, but I want you to know I’m here for you.
37. Death is never easy, but we are here to help you through the pain.
38. There are no words to describe how much your family means to me. Sending all my love.
39. If you need to cry or vent, you can call me at any hour.
40. Losing someone is difficult, but remember how lucky you are to have met them at all.
41. Once the tears have dried, I would love to visit and give you a hug.
42. May the soul of the dearly departed rest in peace now and forever.
43. I cannot express my grief over this tragedy. Sending my love.
44. I hope friendship and prayers will help you through this horrible loss.
45. I hate that you’re going through this. I hate that there’s nothing I can do to make you feel better.
46. I wanted you to know, I’m lighting a candle and saying a prayer in their honor right now.
47. I cannot imagine the grief you must be experiencing, but you will get through this.
48. I’m sending my deep and heartfelt sympathy to you and your family.
49. I’m sincerely sorry for your loss. I wish there was something I could do to help.
50. I can’t imagine what you must be feeling right now, but we’re only a phone call away.
Rest in peace messages for someone’s mother:
51. Your mother was an amazing woman. May God bless her soul.
52. Your mother will live in our memories forever.
53. The world is a little darker without your mother in it.
54. Your mother may be gone, but she made such a strong impact while she was here.
55. Your mother’s kind heart still beats inside of you.
56. Your mother is irreplaceable. She will forever be missed.
57. I loved your mother — and I love you. You will get through this together.
58. May your mother find eternal peace.
59. Your mother was the most beautiful person. She loved you dearly.
60. It was a pleasure to know your mother. She was a beautiful woman.
61. Your mother passing is devastating news. It shocked all of us.
62. Your mother raised a beautiful family. Her legacy will live on forever.
63. Your mother is dancing with the angels now.
64. I hope you always remember how much your mother loved you.
65. The bible says you will meet your mother again. This isn’t the last time you’ll see her.
66. Someone as special as your mother will never be forgotten.
67. Your mother might be gone from our sights, but she will always remain in our hearts.
68. Your mother would want you to be happy. She wouldn’t want you to miss her too much.
69. We never really lose our mothers. They live in our hearts.
70. Your mother was a lovely person. She touched a million hearts.
71. Your mother was a saint. She was such a beautiful woman.
72. Your mother loved you kids more than anything. You were her entire world.
73. Your mother was an inspiration. I’m proud to know her.
74. Your mother was a remarkable woman. She will be missed by many.
75. You were blessed to have a mother who loved you so much.
76. I hope the lessons your mother taught you will last a lifetime.
77. Your mother is gone, but not forgotten. Her memory remains.
78. I loved your mother. God bless her soul.
79. I don’t know why God took away such a wonderful woman. He must’ve wanted to meet her.
80. At least your mother is with the rest of her family now. They’re reunited in paradise.
81. Knowing your mother was a privilege. I will never forget her.
82. Your mother was one hell of a woman. We lost a good one.
83. I will never forget your mother’s smile. Her happiness was contagious.
84. Your mother was the nicest lady. I always admired her.
85. Your mother was a strong woman. She set a great example for you kids.
86. We’re so sorry about the loss of your mother. She deserved to live until one-hundred.
87. I cannot believe your mother is gone. There’s a huge hole in my heart.
88. Your mother was always there for me — and I’ll always be there for you.
89. Your mother was a gift to this world. She made everyone around her smile.
90. Your mother did such a great job raising you. She’s so proud of you.
91. What happened to your mother is terrible. The worst things happen to the greatest people.
92. I’m so sorry about your mother. Please accept my sincerest sympathy to you and your family.
93. I know how hard it is to lose a parent. My heart is with you today and tomorrow.
94. I’m deeply saddened by the loss of your mother. She always treated me with such kindness.
95. Your mother was a firecracker. There will never be another like her.
96. Your mother will always love you. She will always be watching you.
97. I can still feel your mother. She’s with us in spirit.
98. Your mother was a blessing in my life. She’s done so much for me.
99. I miss your mother dearly. I hope you find some comfort in how much she was loved.
100. Requiescat in pace.
RIP messages for someone’s father:
101. I loved your father. May his departed soul rest in peace.
102. Your father will be terribly missed. We loved him dearly.
103. Your father was a great man. We’re wishing you courage to face the days ahead.
104. Your father wasn’t a rich man, but he made the most of everything he had. RIP.
105. Even in death, your father is still loved.
106. Your father would want you to be happy. He was so proud of you.
107. A world without your father is a dark world indeed.
108. As a Christian, I believe in the afterlife. I trust that your father is safe there.
109. You are so much like your father. You have all his best traits.
110. No one can fill your father’s shoes. He was a great man.
111. Your father is no longer in pain. He is in paradise now.
112. No one will miss your father as much as you, but I’m a close second.
113. Your father did so much for you. He loved you with all his heart.
114. God will take care of your father the way your father took care of you.
115. Your father was taken too soon, but his spirit will live on within you.
116. I’m so sorry about your dad’s death. I know how much he meant to you.
117. Losing a parent hurts like hell. Just know that you can call me anytime you’re upset.
118. Your father was a mentor to me. He taught me so much about this world.
119. Hearing about your dad’s death broke my heart. I’m so sorry.
120. Your dad was a kind man. You were lucky to have him.
121. I’m so sorry about your father. I’m going to miss him, too.
122. I’m so glad I got the chance to meet your father. He was such a gentle man.
123. I have such great memories of your father. He always made me laugh.
124. I’m going to pour out a beer in your father’s honor.
125. Your father loved you more than life itself. I bet he’s looking down on you smiling.
126. I’m so sorry about your father. I will say a prayer for your family tonight.
127. Your father raised some pretty amazing kids. He lived a great life.
128. I always admired your father. He was a great example growing up.
129. I was so sorry to learn about the loss of your dad. He was always fun to be around.
130. I’m sorry about your father. I hope your memories of him will help you through this tough time.
131. The lessons your father taught you are going to last a lifetime.
132. Your father was such a kind, caring spirit. He will be missed.
133. You were blessed to have a father who loved you as much as yours did.
134. Your father never shut up about you. You were his greatest accomplishment.
135. Your dad loved life. That was the best thing about him.
136. I’m so sorry about your father. He never let me down. He always kept his word.
137. Your father’s love is a gift you will never lose, not even in death.
138. I’m going to miss your father. He really left a mark on me.
139. Once your father’s funeral is over, know that we’ll still be there for you whenever you need us.
140. Your father was special to me. He treated me like part of the family.
141. I can’t imagine how hard this must be for you. Your father was a wonderful man.
142. Your father’s light is shining down on you from heaven.
143. I hope your father’s words will continue to guide you through life.
144. Your father was such a patient man. More people should be like him.
145. I want to send my condolences to your family. Your father will be missed.
146. Remember, your father’s passing is this sad because he once made you so happy.
147. I hope your father is enjoying heaven. He deserves to rest in peace.
148. I’m sorry about your father. I’m here if you need someone to hug tight.
149. Your father was hilarious. I have so many fond memories of him. May he rest in peace.
150. Your father died proud of you.
Heartfelt condolence messages for the deceased:
151. The world has lost you too soon. Rest in peace.
152. I will never forget you. I love you dearly, my friend.
153. Your body might be gone, but your soul is in a better place.
154. God will protect you. You are one of His greatest creations.
155. Your life was too short. You deserved more time.
156. Standing at your grave is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. I miss you already.
157. You had the biggest, kindest heart. You will be greatly missed.
158. I miss you. I will pray for your departed soul.
159. You are the best person I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting. RIP.
160. You lived a beautiful life. I’m proud to call you my friend.
161. I cannot believe I’m standing by your gravestone on the day of your funeral. I cannot believe the world took you away from me so soon.
162. I would go to hell and back to bring you back. I miss you, buddy.
163. Losing you hurts like hell. I hate the idea of living without you.
164. I don’t know how I’m going to get through this world without you, man. You meant everything to me.
165. I should’ve told you this more while you were alive but I love you so much.
166. Your tombstone says you were a great friend, great parent, and great partner. That couldn’t be more true.
167. You only had a short time here, but you will spend an eternity in heaven.
168. You were a gift to this planet. You made the world a nicer place.
169. It doesn’t matter how many years pass without you. You will always be my best friend.
170. My love for you will never die. It will last an eternity.
171. I’m putting flowers on your graveyard, thinking about how many memories we shared. I can never thank you enough for what you’ve done for me.
172. You have a special place in my heart. I will always remember you.
173. I can’t believe you’re really gone. It still doesn’t feel real. It doesn’t feel right.
174. You brought me so much joy — and your death is bringing me so much sorrow.
175. Our friendship isn’t ending with your death. I’m still proud to call you my friend.
176. My sincerest religious belief is that you will rest in peace.
177. I miss you, buddy. I hope you’ve found eternal rest.
178. I forget a lot of things, but I could never forget you.
179. You were the best thing in my life. I’m going to miss you forever.
180. I can’t stop myself from crying as I stand in front of your tomb. I miss you too much.
181. You were the light of my life. The world feels so dark without you.
182. We will meet again. RIP, friend.
183. Thinking about you makes my heart hurt, but I will never forget you.
184. Death cannot break our bond. I love you, forever and always.
185. I wish I could hear your voice one more time. I miss it already.
186. You were more than a friend. You were my teammate and confidant.
187. Goodbyes are not forever. I can’t wait to see you again.
188. Every second spent with you was a blessing. Thank you for treating me right.
189. Your life deserves to be celebrated. You meant so much to so many people.
190. Time won’t fade your face from my memories. You mean too much to forget.
191. You’re always on my mind. You’re always in my heart.
192. Our memories will keep me going.
193. I will never recover from your loss. I will miss you forever.
194. I never realized how hard goodbyes were until you were gone.
195. I could never forget someone who gave me so much to remember.
196. Your death is a new beginning. I hope you enjoy it up there.
197. I know you’re smiling down at me, so I’m never going to feel alone.
198. Your life was a gift. You made each one of my days brighter.
199. Heaven is so lucky to have you.
200. You were and still are an inspiration to me.