Birthday Wishes for Brother
Lukas Eggers

250+ Hilarious, Sweet, and Thoughtful Birthday Wishes for a Brother

I hope your day is filled with good cake and good friends.


Your brother deserves some love. If you need a sweet, thoughtful message to scribble in his happy birthday card or to write in his happy birthday text, look no further. Whether you want to send funny birthday wishes or serious birthday blessings, here is a collection of 250 birthday wishes for brother:

The best birthday greeting to put in a card or write in a text:

1. Happy birthday to the best brother a girl could ask for.

2. Our friendship has only grown stronger with age. Happy birthday, brother.

3. Happy birthday bro. You’ve always been an inspiration to me.

4. I’m so proud of everything you’ve accomplished — and I know you’re going to achieve even more soon.

5. Happy birthday dear brother. I’m so proud to say I’m your sister.

6. You’re the most wonderful brother. You’ve helped me so much over the years and I am forever thankful.

7. You’re an amazing brother and an even more amazing friend.

8. To my loving brother on his birthday: I hope you know I’m always in your corner. I always have your back.

9. I hope you have a great birthday — and a great year.

10. Thank you for giving me an excuse to drink and eat cake!

11. I hope you have a wonderful birthday. You deserve the chance to relax for a change.

12. You’ve always been a great brother. I can’t thank you enough for being there for me growing up.

13. My biggest birthday prayer is that you realize what an amazing person you really are.

14. Happy birthday, brother. I miss you more than words can explain.

15. I just remembered it’s my favorite brother’s birthday!

16. We’ve had our fair share of fights, but I’ve never stopped loving you.

17. I wish you all the happiness in the world. You deserve it, especially today.

18. You’re a blessing. I couldn’t survive this world without you.

19. I’m so glad you’re a part of my family. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

20. This is going to be a great year for you. I can feel it.

21. I’m lucky enough that my brother and my best friend are the same person. Have a great day, bro.

22. You’re in my thoughts today. Wishing you the best.

23. Thank you for being my biggest supporter. I hope I can be there for you in the same way.

24. I would trust you with my life. You’re the one person I can always count on.

25. Thank you for showing me how a man should treat women.

26. There’s nothing more important to me than your happiness. I hope you’re having a wonderful day.

27. We’ve made so many fun memories over the years — and there are many more to come.

28. I was blessed with the biggest gift on this day. You!

29. I will pick you up whenever you fall. I will always be there for you, brother.

30. I’m wishing you luck, wealth, and good health as you start your new year.

31. Happy birthday. Don’t wait to celebrate!

32. I hope you spend the whole day smiling.

33. You’re the best man I’ve ever known.

34. I hope your day is filled with good cake and good friends.

35. Happy birthday to the boy who means the most to me.

36. I hope all your dreams come true today and every day after.

37. No matter what this year brings, I’ve got your back.

38. You were always the favorite in the family — and I can see why.

39. Your birthday is a chance to let loose and have fun, so don’t hold back.

40. You’re the best brother in the world. No one is as supportive and kind as you.

41. Thank you for being the pillar of our family. You’ve held us together for so long.

42. You’re so much like our father. You’re growing into such a respectable young man.

43. You helped me become a better person. I can never thank you enough for that.

44. Not only are you a great brother but you’re a great friend and a great teacher.

45. I hope you realize how special this day is. I hope you realize how special you are.

46. I could never repay you for how much you’ve done for me. You’re the best brother ever to exist.

47. Thank you for protecting me — and putting me in place when I’m wrong.

48. You’re the coolest brother. I love bragging about you.

49. Your birthday is here! Time to start day drinking!

50. Happy birthday, brother. Every year, I love you more.

Silly, funny birthday messages to put in a birthday card:

51. Happy birthday to the second favorite child!

52. I’m sorry for getting all the good looks, but at least you got the sense of humor. Happy birthday!

53. I’m going to Facetime you later. You better not be wearing your birthday suit.

54. I can’t wait for your big birthday celebration later. Spoiler alert: I’m going to get wasted.

55. Have a great birthday, brother. Take off from work for once, will you?

56. I can’t wait to see you (and steal a slice of your birthday cake).

57. Happy birthday, brother. You’re a year older and a year closer to death.

58. I hope you have a great birthday — because it might be your last.

59. You’re such a sweet brother. Sorry you can’t say the same about me.

60. Psst. You’re my favorite brother. Don’t tell the others.

61. I can’t believe I put up with you another year! Congrats to me!

62. I didn’t forget your birthday, so now, you can’t forget mine.

63. Our parents gave birth to such a wonderful, intelligent, strong baby. Too bad that was me and not you.

64. I hope your eyes still work well enough to read this: Happy birthday, brother!

65. You’re such a lovely bro. I’m sorry about giving you so much hell when we were little.

66. Happy birthday to my partner in crime. Don’t get in too much trouble today.

67. I feel bad for every other sister because none of them have a brother as kickass as mine.

68. I hope your girlfriend is surprising you with birthday sex.

69. I’m sorry for torturing you as a child. Hope you’re good now!

70. Happy birthday. I’ll give you a break from teasing for one day.

71. I’m going to post an old, embarrassing picture of us on social media. Get ready!

72. You were a little brat as a kid, but I love you anyway.

73. Dear bro, somehow you keep getting more and more awesome.

74. You’re getting so old, which worries me because I’m getting old with you.

75. You’re my favorite brother. Then again, you’re my only brother.

76. You’re getting up there, brother, but at least you’re on the right side of the grave.

77. Happy birthday, bro. Thank you for having such hot friends for me to crush on.

78. Thank you for being the disappointment of the family, so I didn’t get the title.

79. Even though you weren’t the best brother, you grew up to be a great man.

80. There’s less hair on your head now, but there’s more love in your heart.

81. Do you really need a birthday present when you already have the best sister in the world?

82. Every year, you’re getting older and wiser — and weirder.

83. Thank you for ruining all of our childhood photos with your ugly face.

84. Happy birthday bro. You have this aging thing down.

85. Mom and dad clearly love me more, so I wanted to make sure you at least got a birthday message from me.

86. I remembered your birthday, so really, we should be celebrating me today.

87. I got you an amazing present, so you better return the favor soon.

88. You might not look as good as you used to, but you’re nicer than you used to be!

89. Your birthday isn’t as exciting as mine, but it’s still worth celebrating.

90. I don’t want to get all mushy, but I love you and all that crap.

Big brother birthday wishes for your older brother:

91. Big brother, I’ve always looked up to you. You’ve always been my role model.

92. Big bro, I’m following in some pretty big footsteps thanks to you.

91. I hope you know your little sister has always looked up to you.

92. You’re the reason I’m the person I am today. You’ve shaped me, you’ve changed me.

93. Your guidance has meant the world to me. I’m so thankful you were around to give advice.

94. Big brother, you were such a big influence in my life.

95. Happy birthday, brother. Thank you for being my bodyguard for so many years.

96. I know you’re always going to protect me. I feel safe with you around. Happy birthday.

97. You might be older, but you’re not wiser! Just kidding, bro. Happy birthday.

98. I’m glad you were born first because I’ve never had to spend a day without you.

99. Thank you for passing your wisdom down to me.

100. You’re such a wonderful brother, and you’re going to make a wonderful father.

101. You were always my biggest role model. To me, there’s nothing you can do wrong.

102. When we were little, you always had my back, and that’s never changed. Thank you, brother.

103. Have an amazing day. You deserve it after all the hard work you do throughout the year.

104. There’s no other man who makes me feel as safe as you do, brother. Thank you for standing by my side through it all.

105. We’ve had our ups and downs, but you’ll never stop being my big brother.

106. I’m happy to have you in my life. I hope today brings you nothing but joy.

107. Your birthday is a reason to celebrate! Pop the champagne, big bro.

108. I’m glad you’re older because I was able to learn from your mistakes and stay out of trouble.

109. I love our family, but I’ve always loved you the most.

110. Sorry for being such an annoying little sister. I hope my presents make up for it!

111. You’ve set such a good example for me. I learned so much from you.

112. I know our parents are proud of you, and I hope you know I’m proud too.

113. Big brother, your birthday only comes once a year, so you better make the most of it.

114. Remember: No matter how old you get, I’ll always be younger! Sending you lots of laughs on your birthday.

115. Blow out all your candles, big brother, because you deserve all the wishes.

116. We’re no longer children, but I’ll always consider you my mentor.

117. Thank you for passing so much wisdom down to me. You’ve taught me more than anyone else in the family.

118. I miss our childhood. I miss seeing you every single day.

119. You might be older, but I’m wise enough to know you’re the favorite.

120. We will always be siblings. I will always have a special place in my heart for you.

121. I’m so glad our parents loved you enough to have more children.

122. I don’t say this often enough, but you mean the world to me.

123. You were such a bad influence on me — and helped me have so much fun!

124. We don’t always get along, but no matter how much we fight, I know your heart is in the right place. And my heart is with you today.

125. Happy birthday to the one man who has never done me wrong!

126. Big brother, you’ve been such a big help over the years.

127. Thank you for setting me on the right path. Your words of wisdom still echo in my head until this day.

128. Thank you for helping to raise me. Thank you for always being there.

129. You’re the best big brother. No one else can come close to you.

130. Your little sister wants you to know you’re on her mind today.

Brother quotes for your younger brother:

131. Little brother, I couldn’t be prouder of the man you’ve grown into.

132. Baby brother, I can’t believe you’ve gotten so old. And so wise.

133. Stop growing up! I want you to be a baby forever.

134. I remember when you were up to my knee, and now you’re fully grown. The time really does fly.

135. I hope you know your big sister is beyond proud of you.

136. You’re bigger than me now, but you’ll always be my little brother.

137. I’ve spent every single birthday with you since you were born. And I’ll never miss one.

138. You annoy the hell out of me sometimes, but it’s never made me love you less.

139. Little brother, you’re a huge success. Congrats on everything you’ve accomplished.

140. I loved watching you grow and learn and change. You never fail to impress me.

141. You’re getting so old, which means I must be getting ancient!

142. You’re no longer little. Even though you can protect yourself now, I’m always going to be there for you.

143. You’re growing into the type of man any woman would be lucky to call her husband.

144. You’re so grown up now. You make me feel so old.

145. Your birthday is only 24 hours long, so you better make each second count.

146. I’ve watched you grow from a child into a man — and I couldn’t be prouder.

147. You’re taller than me now — but don’t get too excited because I’ll always be the pretty one.

148. On your birthday, I hope you feel special because you’re special to me.

149. Even on your most annoying days, you’re such a wonderful little brother.

150. Little bro, you’re bigger than me now, but I’m never going to stop babying you.

151. You’re finally old enough to drink with me, so crack open a bottle!

152. I can’t believe it’s your birthday again. You keep growing right in front of my eyes.

153. I hope you didn’t expect a present. Having me as a big sister should be the best gift of all.

154. You’re younger than me and you’ve already accomplished so much more than me. I couldn’t be prouder!

155. You’re so mature for your age. You are the type of man I hope my own children grow up to become.

156. I’m the first-born so I wanted to be the first to wish you a happy birthday!

157. You’re the best baby brother a girl could hope for.

158. Every single year, you get smarter and stronger. I guess I was a good influence!

159. Forget mom and dad. I deserve credit for what a wonderful man you grew up to become.

160. You might be my little brother but you have big things ahead of you. Happy birthday, bro!

Big (or little) brother birthday reminders to send if you can’t see each other:

161. I can’t give you a big bear hug today, so, unfortunately, the best I can do is this text.

162. I can’t physically see you today, but I can feel you in my heart.

163. You’re the most wonderful brother. I wish I could tell you that face-to-face.

164. I might not be able to see you today, but I can picture your smiling face.

165. I miss you more than the rest of the family. Especially today.

166. Eat an extra piece of cake in my honor.

167. You might be out of sight and out of reach, but you’re never out of mind.

168. I’m missing you more today than usual. Sending my love.

169. Send me a piece of cake through the mail. I’m starving.

170. I hope you get all the presents you wanted today. Aside from being with me.

171. I’m sorry I can’t tell you this in person, but I love you to pieces.

172. I might not be there in person, but I’m there in spirit. Happy birthday, bro!

173. I wish we were together today, but have a great birthday either way!

174. I wish I could be there to watch you blow out the candles and make a birthday wish!

175. Happy birthday, brother. Don’t miss me too much!

176. I’m sending you happy birthday wishes and a virtual hug from afar!

177. It’s a big day! I hate that I’m not with you to celebrate it.

178. If I could actually afford a plane ticket, I would be standing by your side today.

179. We might be miles apart, but I’m with you in spirit.

180. Don’t get too drunk tonight without me around to chaperone you.

181. Happy birthday! I’m sorry I can’t be there, but I’ll make it up to you next time I visit!

182. Happy birthday, brother! You should be getting a present in the mail shortly.

183. Even though we’re not together, you’ll be on my mind all day long, brother.

184. I can’t see you, but you better be smiling at your phone as you read this birthday message!

185. You have to wait 365 days for another birthday, so you better make this one count, even though I’m not there to celebrate alongside you.

186. Distance won’t stop me from having a birthday drink in your honor!

187. Even though we can’t see each other in person right now, I’m always a phone call away.

188. I would cross oceans to see you — just not today. Sorry I couldn’t make it!

189. We’re in different time zones, but that won’t stop me from being the first person to wish you a happy birthday!

190. We’re physically far apart, but I’m keeping you close in my heart.

50th birthday messages:

191. You’ve made it to your midlife crisis! Congrats!

192. Cheers to 50 more amazing years!

193. I hope your 50th birthday is your favorite so far — but there are a lot of other years to beat.

194. I hope you enjoy your senior discount on your birthday dinner, old man!

195. The fire department might show up when they see how many birthday candles are on your cake.

196. It’s better to be over the hill than buried under it!

197. I would’ve put a few hundreds in this card, but I didn’t want to give you a heart attack in your old age.

198. I’m glad you haven’t kicked the bucket! Happy birthday!

199. Now that you’re 50, your back is going to go out more often than you do.

200. Since you get older and wiser every year, you should be a genius by now!

201. You’re 50, but you still look as good as the day I was born.

202. You’ve been by my side for five decades now. I can’t express how much that means to me.

203.  You’re getting up there, but you haven’t lost your youthful spirit. Happy birthday, bro!

204. Reaching fifty is a huge milestone. You better celebrate it!

205. Remember, age is only a number. Your age simply happens to be a big number.

206. You’ve made it through 50 years more than you deserved. Just kidding, bro! Happy birthday.

207. You’re 50, but when I look at you, I still see a young man.

208. I hope I accomplish half as much as you by the time I reach your age. You’re an inspiration.

209. You have more candles than cake now!

210. 50 looks good on you. You don’t look a day over 40.

211. You know, they say 50 is the best age… for a bottle of wine.

212. You might be losing your hair and your mind — but you’ll never lose me.

213. Trust me, you haven’t aged a day. You’re still looking great!

214. You shouldn’t be embarrassed of your age. You should be proud of how much you’ve accomplished, brother.

215. At least you aren’t a creepy old man. You’re just an old man.

216. You’re getting older, but I don’t think you’ve gotten any wiser. What’s up with that?

217. 50 years have passed, but your heart has remained the same. I love you, brother.

218. Getting older shouldn’t scare you. You’re killing it, bro.

219. I can’t believe you’ve survived fifty years on this mess of a planet. That’s quite the accomplishment.

220. 50 cheers to 50 years! I hope this birthday is a fun one!

Heart touching birthday quotes:

221. Happy birthday, brother. Don’t forget to make every second count because some people aren’t lucky enough to live this long.

222. Happy birthday to my best friend since childhood.

223. You’re an awesome brother. I wouldn’t trade our childhood for the world.

224. You’re older than yesterday but younger than tomorrow, so enjoy it while it lasts!

225. This year might not be easy on you, but you’re never alone. I’m always there for you, brother. You can always count on me.

226. I hope your dreams come true this year. You deserve everything you’ve been working toward, bro.

227. On your birthday, I wanted to remind you how much I appreciate how much effort you put in each and every day.

228. Remember to live in the moment, brother, because the next one isn’t guaranteed.

229. This day is all about you, so you have permission from your sister to be selfish.

230. You make the world a better, brighter place. Keep doing what you’re doing, brother.

231. Your birthday is the one day of the year you can’t roll your eyes when I tell you how much I love you. I LOVE YOU, brother.

232. Your birthday is the only one I have memorized! Why? Because you mean the world to me.

233. I hope you have the happiest birthday because you bring me so much joy.

234. Time has changed you. It has made you even smarter and stronger than before.

235. I’m jealous of you, brother. You’re doing so well and accomplishing so much.

236. You’re such a good man. I hope you get spoiled rotten this birthday.

237. This year, and every year, you make me so proud.

238. No matter how long we go without talking or how far apart we live, I will always be your sister. I will always love you dearly.

239. I hope you never forget how much I love you and appreciate you.

240. Brother, life is easier knowing I have someone around to catch me when I fall. Wishing you the happiest of birthdays.

241. I love the little boy you were and the man you grew up to become.

242. You, my dear brother, are what all men should aspire to become.

243. You’re far from perfect, but you always lead with your heart, which is so admirable. Happy birthday, brother.

244. I hope your birthday is filled with joy and love, because that’s what you’re constantly bringing me.

245. I didn’t appreciate you enough when we were younger, but now I see how lucky I am to have you in my world.

246. You’re a true inspiration. You make me want to be a better person.

247. I love you, brother, through thick and thin. That will never change.

248. You deserve to feel loved on this special day. I hope you do.

249. Happy birthday to my brother, my partner in crime, my best friend.

250. I couldn’t be prouder of you. You’re doing so much better than you realize.

Brother images that speak louder than words:

If you don’t want to send a birthday message, send some birthday images instead. Here are a few of the best options:

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About the author

January Nelson

January Nelson

January Nelson is a writer, editor, and dreamer. She writes about astrology, games, love, relationships, and entertainment. January graduated with an English and Literature degree from Columbia University.