Annie Spratt

250+ Best Love Quotes For Him

“We were together. I forget the rest.”


It can be hard telling people how we feel about them. This is true even for those in a relationship. Some people are good at expressing their love through words, while others are good with actions. Although actions do speak louder than words, sometimes a beautiful quote from your loved one can make you feel just as warm inside. I mean, who doesn’t love getting a note that says “this made me think of you”?

If you have a boyfriend or a husband and you want to tell him how much you care about him, how you feel all the love and joy and warmth and goodness in the relationship, or how he’s your soulmate, but you might not know how to express yourself, or you don’t have the right words to say, you’ve come to the right place. 

Sometimes, when we’re in relationships, we just assume the other person knows how we feel. That’s not always the case, though. Some people like words of affirmation and encouragement. Not to mention, reminding a partner of how much they are loved and cared for is one of the most important aspects of the relationship. 

Express to him your deepest feelings with these beautiful love quotes and show it off in different ways: 

  • Write a love letter. Write in a couple of famous love quotes from writers like Rumi or Nicholas Sparks and write how they make you feel. Whether you write him a little note and place it on his nightstand or you mail him an enveloped letter, put a sweet love quote in there for him to read. Not only will you feel like you’re living in a romance novel, but it will, for sure, put a smile on his face, too. 
  • Say more than just “happy birthday” or “happy anniversary,” and write a romantic quote inside a card to go along with the gift. Or, if you’re not one for gift-giving and he’s not one for gift-receiving, just write a little note and stick it on his bedside table.
  • Leave sticky notes around the house with cute messages! Write a short quote on a sticky note and place it on the bathroom mirror, next to the coffee pot, on his nightstand, in a cabinet. These little surprises will definitely put a smile on his face and remind him of your sweet love
  • Send a sweet good night or good morning text with one of these cute love quotes. I mean, what kind of boyfriend wouldn’t appreciate a nice good morning quote like these? 

These sweet quotes will serve as reminders to him of how much you care and what he means to you. Whether it be for a long term boyfriend or a husband, romantic messages are a good way to keep the feeling of love around.

Love Quotes For Him To Remind Him of Your Love

 “Come live in my heart and pay no rent.”

―Samuel Lover

“We loved with a love that was more than love.”

―Edgar Allen Poe

“Meeting you was fate; becoming your friend was a choice, but falling in love with you was beyond my control.”


 “So, I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you.” 

―Paulo Coelho

love quotes for him

“You taste like a dream. I never want to wake up from you.”

―Kiana Azizian

“I have so much of you in my heart.”

―John Keats

“Someone asked me what home was, and all I could think of were the stars on the tip of your tongue, the flowers sprouting from your mouth, the roots entwined in the gaps between your fingers, the ocean echoing inside of your ribcage.”

―E.E. Cummings

“You are both the source of my happiness and the one I want to share it with.”

―David Levithan

“Loving you is my greatest truth and the most beautiful thing I have ever known.”

―Stacey Jay

“I never want you to tell me that you couldn’t possibly live without me. I just want you to know that your life is better with me in it.”

Aly McHenry

love quotes for him

“When I saw you, I fell in love, and you smiled because you knew.”

―Arrigo Boito

“You give me the kind of feelings people write novels about.”


“My heart is and always will be yours.”

―Jane Austen

“For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul.”

―Judy Garland

“Your love shines in my heart as the sun that shines upon the earth.”

Eleanor Di Guillo

“I feel like a part of my soul has loved you since the beginning of everything. Maybe we’re from the same star.”

―Emery Allen

“Loyalty is a treasure I regarded as precious as the stars and the moon itself, as rare and as pure as the clouds rolling in the skies. Once you find it, never let go.”


“If I know what love is, it is because of you.”

―Hermann Hesse

“Yours is the light by which my spirit’s born – you are my sun, my moon, and all my stars.”

―E. E. Cummings

“The beauty you see in me is a reflection of you.”


“I will choose you. Even on the days when you do not choose yourself, on the nights when your hair is a mess, and your posture is slumped.”

―Marisa Donnelly

love quotes for him

“To be your friend was all I ever wanted; to be your lover was all I ever dreamed.”

―Valerie Lombardo

“Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.”


“You have bewitched me body and soul, and I love, I love, I love you.”

Pride and Prejudice

“You’re nothing short of my everything.”

―Ralph Block

“You are my heart, my life, my one, and only thought.

―Arthur Conan Doyle, The White Company

“There is nothing on earth more beautiful to me than your smile, no sound sweeter than your laughter, no pleasure greater than holding you in my arms. I realized today that I could never live without you.”

―Lisa Kleypas

“You are so addicting to me.”

―S.C. Stephens, Thoughtless

“In short, I will part with anything for you, but you.”

―Mary Wortley Montagu

“You are the answer to every prayer I’ve offered. You are a song, a dream, a whisper, and I don’t know how I could have lived without you for as long as I have.”

―Nicholas Sparks

“I don’t want you to fall in love with my body, I want you to fall in love with who I am. I want you to fall in love with my mind, with the way I think.”

Marisa Donnelly

love quotes for him

“If you find someone you love in your life, then hang on to that love.”

―Princess Diana

You are the best thing that’s ever been mine.”

―Taylor Swift, “Mine” 

“You’re going to come across people in your life who will say all the right words at all the right times. But in the end, it’s always their actions you should judge them by. It’s actions, not words, that matter.”

―Nicholas Sparks, The Rescue

Forever is a long time, but I wouldn’t mind spending it by your side.”

―He Is We, “I Wouldn’t Mind”

“My love for you has no depth; its boundaries are ever-expanding.”

―Christina White

“For all the things my hands have held, the best by far is you.”

―Andrew McMahon In The Wilderness, “Cecilia And The Satellite”

“Well, it seems to me that the best relationships – the ones that last – are frequently the ones that are rooted in friendship. You know, one day you look at the person, and you see something more than you did the night before. Like a switch has been flicked somewhere. And the person who was just a friend is… suddenly the only person you can ever imagine yourself with.”

―Gillian Anderson

love quotes for him

“I promise you one thing, if you stay with me, if you share your life with me, you’ll never be bored.”

Rosie Ravenstein

“If I had a flower for every time I thought of you…I could walk through my garden forever.”

―Alfred Tennyson

“There’s a corner of my heart that is yours. And I don’t mean for now, or until I’ve found somebody else, I mean forever. I mean to say that whether I fall in love a thousand times over or once or never again, there’ll always be a small quiet place in my heart that belongs only to you.”

―Beau Taplin

“I never want to stop making memories with you.”

―Pierre Jeanty

“Love is the attempt to form a friendship inspired by beauty.”

―Marcus Tullius Cicero

“Come sleep with me: We won’t make Love, Love will make us.”

―Julio Cortázar

“You are my best friend as well as my lover, and I do not know which side of you I enjoy the most. I treasure each side, just as I have treasured our life together.”

―Nicholas Sparks, The Notebook

“To the world, you may be one person, but to me, you are the whole world.”

―Bill Wilson

“I write down what’s in my heart, and it’s always you, you, you…”

―Ranata Suzuki

“Sometimes I feel like we’re a knot, too tangled to be taken apart.”

―Kiera Cass

“We belonged to each other.”

Call Me By Your Name

“Being with you never felt wrong. It’s the one thing I did right. You’re the one thing I did right.”

―Becca Fitzpatrick

“It was a million tiny little things that, when you added them all up, they meant we were supposed to be together… and I knew it.”

Sleepless In Seattle

“I hate early mornings. But I love waking up with you.”

―Sade Andria Zabala

love quotes for him

“I’d choose you; in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, I’d find you, and I’d choose you.”

―Kiersten White, The Chaos of Stars

“Heaven would never be heaven without you.”

―Richard Matheson

“Perhaps we were friends first and lovers second. But then perhaps this is what lovers are.”

Call Me By Your Name

Love Quotes For Him To Remember How Special He Is

If your dear husband or boyfriend is feeling down about things in life and needs a reminder of how special he is, send him one of these special love quotes. No matter what his career, passions, and hobbies are, everyone needs a good reminder that they’re supported and that someone has faith in their dream(s).

Write some of these cute love quotes on sticky notes and place them on the bathroom mirror, so he sees them every morning, or in a handwritten, folded up note next to the coffee pot.

love quotes for him

“You are the finest, loveliest, tenderest, and most beautiful person I have ever known, but even that is an understatement.”

―F. Scott Fitzgerald

“When we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall into mutually satisfying weirdness – and call it love – true love.”

―Robert Fulghum

“All of me loves all of you.”

―John Legend, “All Of Me”

“In this world full of 7 billion people, you can count me as one of the people who cares for you.”

Rayi Noormega

“Before I met you, I never knew what it was like to be able to look at someone and smile for no reason.”


“If you’re thinking of someone right now, hold on to that thought. If they make you feel good, keep them close. If they hold you when you cry, if they remember the little things you say about your favorite candy and the way you take your coffee, if they make you believe in something beautiful and that all the heartache and longing was worth it–tell them. Tell them all of this. Tell them how you feel when you feel it: how you never really believed you would find a love like this until you met them; how you understood, now, why people write poems about hands and mouths and honey; how a home can feel like a person.”

―Kelly Peacock

“You’re so golden.”

―Harry Styles, “Golden”

love quotes for him

“I will bring you flowers, I’ll take care of you when you’re sick, I’ll give you space when you need it, and I’ll never leave your side when you want someone there.”

―Kandi Steiner

“Love says: I’ve seen the ugly parts of you, and I’m staying.”

―Matt Chandler 

“You may need me there / To carry all your weight / But you’re no burden I assure / You tide me over / With a warmth I’ll not forget / But I can only give you love.”

―Rob Thomas, “Ever The Same” 

“And you, with all your little flaws, and your little quirks, somehow you keep drawing me back in.”

―The O.C.

“I love our story. Sure it’s messy, but it’s the story that got us here.”

―How I Met Your Mother

“Because of you, I laugh, smile, and I dare to dream again.”

―Heather Krueger

love quotes for him

“I love you, and I like you.”

―Parks & Recreation

“If you wish to be loved, show more of your faults than your virtues.”

―Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton

“To me, you are perfect.”

―Love, Actually 

“True loyalty means being true to your partner, no matter how hard things can get. Even if it hurts, you have to tell him when he is wrong and urge him to keep going when he is right.”


“We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.”

―Sam Keen, To Love and Be Loved

“Love is friendship that has caught on fire. It is quiet understanding, mutual confidence, sharing, and forgiving. It is loyalty through good and bad times. It settles for less than perfection and makes allowances for human weaknesses.

―Ann Landers

“Love understands love; it needs no talk.”

―Francis Havergal

“I like not only to be loved but also to be told I am loved.”

―George Eliot

“I finally understood what true love meant…love meant that you care for another person’s happiness more than your own, no matter how painful the choices you face might be.”

Nicholas Sparks, Dear John

“You were more than I ever hoped to find in this lifetime, everything and more than what I thought someone like me could ever deserve to hold.”

―Ava Shêzori

love quotes for him

“I saw that you were perfect, and so I loved you. Then I saw that you were not perfect, and I loved you even more.”

―Angelita Lim 

“I like you very much. Just as you are.”

―Bridget Jones Diary

“Love is needing someone. Love is putting up with someone’s bad qualities because they somehow complete you.”

Sarah Dessen, This Lullaby

“In your smile, I see something more beautiful than the stars.”

―Beth Revis

“Love doesn’t keep a score of wrongs. Love doesn’t bring up past failures.”

―Gary Chapman 

Love Quotes For Him About Passion

A beautiful love is only beautiful when two people can be vulnerable and intimate with one another, don’t you think?

If you want to get his mind racing and his heart rate up, send one of these sexy love quotes. Send a sensual love message like one of these on Valentine’s Day, your anniversary, or his birthday.

love quotes for him

“A gentleman holds my hand. A man pulls my hair. A soulmate will do both.”

Alessandra Torre

“I gasp, and I’m Eve in the Garden of Eden, and he’s the serpent, and I cannot resist.”

―E.L. James, Fifty Shades of Grey

“My soul made love to your soul / long before our bodies met. / When I first laid my eyes on you, / I recognized you. / You held my future in your hands.”

―Anita Krizzan

“The real lover is a man who can thrill you by kissing your forehead or smiling into your eyes or just staring into space.”

―Marilyn Monroe 

“ I’ll let you set the pace / ‘Cause I’m not thinking straight / My head spinning around, I can’t see clear no more / What are you waiting for? / Love me like you do.”

―Ellie Goulding, “Love Me Like You Do” 

“The moment our lips met, I knew with pure and piercing certainty that we were meant to be together!”

―Leigh Bardugo

“I’d rather planned on having you for dessert.”

―50 Shades of Grey

“You kissed the poetry off my lips as you licked the prose from my tongue.”

―Rudy Vitkauskas

Lips so good I forget my name/ I swear I could give you everything.”

―One Direction, “Never Enough” 

“I’m seeing the pain, seeing the pleasure / Nobody but you, ‘body but me, ‘body but us / Bodies together / I love to hold you close, tonight and always / I love to wake up next to you.”


“Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired.”

―Robert Frost

“Take off your clothes. Show me. Show me your edges. I want to see with my own eyes where you end and where I begin. I want to see where I fit, where you leave off being you and turn into me.”


Every inch of your skin is a Holy Grail I’ve gotta find / Only you can set my heart on fire.”

―Ellie Goulding, “Love Me Like You Do”

“I will love you fiercely and passionately in this reality because there is no need for an alternate one.”

Liane White

love quotes for him

I am in you and you in me, mutual in divine love.”

–William Blake

“There’s something about you, though, and I’m finding it impossible to stay away.”

50 Shades of Grey

“A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous.”

―Ingrid Bergman

“In all its glory, the water kisses the sand with heavy breathing, and it is like us, the same enveloping of one another in wetness and salt. There is a visible softness to the ripples, the stretch marks, your hands on my thighs, parting.”

―Kelly Peacock

Love Quotes For Him From Movies & TV

Here are some inspirational love quotes from movies and TV shows. Some of these you’ve probably read before, while others, maybe not. Nonetheless, send one of these cute love quotes to him to make his day.

“I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once.”

―John Green, The Fault in Our Stars

“Three words. Eight letters. Say it, and I’m yours.”

―Gossip Girl

“You don’t love someone because they’re perfect; you love them in spite of the fact that they’re not.”

―Jodi Picoult, My Sister’s Keeper

“I would rather share one lifetime with you than face all the ages of this world alone.”

―J.R.R Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

“When I look at you, I can feel it. I look at you, and I’m home.”

―Finding Nemo

“It’s like, it’s not even real to me. It’s like my life isn’t even real to me unless you’re there and you’re in it, and I’m sharing it with you.”

―Gilmore Girls

“Part of falling in love with someone else is also falling in love with yourself.”

The Sun Is Also A Star

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“I’m happiest when I’m being myself, and I’m myself when I’m with you.”

―What’s Your Number?

“The best love is the kind that awakens the soul; that makes us reach for more, that plants the fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds. That’s what I hope to give you forever.”

―Nicholas Sparks, The Notebook

“Remember, we’re madly in love, so it’s all right to kiss me any time you feel like it.”

―The Hunger Games

“Do I love you? My god, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches.”

―The Princess Bride

“You’re the moon of my life, that’s all I know and all I need to know, and if this is a dream, I will kill the man who tries to wake me.”

―Game of Thrones

“My dream wouldn’t be complete without you in it.”

―The Princess and the Frog

“I wasn’t expecting you. I didn’t think that we would end up together. The single most extraordinary thing I’ve ever done with my life is fall in love with you. I’ve never been seen so completely, loved so passionately and protected so fiercely.”

―This Is Us 

“You are my greatest adventure.”

―The Incredibles

“When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.”

―When Harry Met Sally 

“Since the invention of the kiss, there have been only five kisses that were rated the most passionate, the most pure. This one left them all behind.”

―The Princess Bride

“Love, it never dies. It never goes away, it never fades, so long as you hang on to it. Love can make you immortal.”

―If I Stay

“So it’s not gonna be easy. It’s gonna be really hard. We’re gonna have to work at this every day, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, you and me, every day. ”

―The Notebook

“The day my life changed forever… The day I first saw you.”

―The Longest Ride

Love Quotes For Him From Poems and Books

Here is a collection of some famous love quotes by beloved writers and poets:

love quotes for him

“I will never break your heart. I will never hurt you. I might fuck up, I might not be perfect, but I’ll never hurt you.”

Liz Reinhardt

“You should be kissed and often, and by someone who knows how.”

―Margaret Mitchell

“We were together. I forget the rest.”

―Walt Whitman

“You love me. Real or not real?”

I tell him, “Real.”

Suzanne Collins

Love is like the wind, you can’t see it, but you can feel it.”

–Nicholas Sparks

“My heart is and always will be yours.”

–Jane Austen

“If you love deeply, you’re going to get hurt badly. But it’s still worth it.”

C. S. Lewis

love quotes for him

“In all the world, there is no heart for me like yours. In all the world, there is no love for you like mine.”

Maya Angelou

The minute I heard my first love story, I started looking for you, not knowing how blind I was. Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere. They’re in each other all along.”


“I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you simply, without problems or pride: I love you in this way because I do not know any other way of loving but this, in which there is no I or you, so intimate that your hand upon my chest is my hand, so intimate that when I fall asleep your eyes close.”

―Pablo Neruda

“Love one another but make not a bond of love: let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.”

―Khalil Gibran

“There’s a softness to the way they look at you and how you move, like the fascination of watching clouds float. It’s their eyes and how they make you believe in past lives, reincarnation, soulmates, good people. This is when you start to think that maybe the crinkles by their eyes are a metaphor for something. That when they look at you, they really see you.”

―Kelly Peacock

“I love you – I am at rest with you – I have come home.”

―Dorothy L. Sayers

“You turn my life into something light, amazing, rainbowed— you put a glint of happiness on everything.”

―Vladimir Nabokov

love quotes for him

 “There is never a time or place for true love. It happens accidentally, in a heartbeat, in a single flashing, throbbing moment.”

―Sarah Dessen

“People think a soulmate is your perfect fit, and that’s what everyone wants. But a true soulmate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that is holding you back, the person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life.”

―Elizabeth Gilbert

“Sweet is true love that is given in vain, and sweet is death that takes away pain.”   

―Alfred Lord Tennyson

“I love you more than anyone or anything I’ve ever known. You’ve somehow become the song inside of me.”

―Abbi Glines

“I didn’t fall in love with you; I flew.”

―Colleen Hoover

“At the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet.”


“You’re something between a dream and a miracle.”

―Elizabeth Barrett Browning

“I’m in love with you, and I’m not in the business of denying myself the simple pleasure of saying true things. I’m in love with you, and I know that love is just a shout into the void, and that oblivion is inevitable, and that we’re all doomed and that there will come a day when all our labor has been returned to dust, and I know the sun will swallow the only earth we’ll ever have, and I am in love with you.”

―John Green

“I carry your heart. I carry it in my heart.”

―E. E Cummings

love quotes for him

I just want you to know that you’re very special… and the only reason I’m telling you is that I don’t know if anyone else ever has.”

―Stephen Chbosky

“In all the world, there is no heart for me like yours. In all the world, there is no love for you like mine.”

Maya Angelou

“You don’t love someone for their looks, or their clothes, or for their fancy car, but because they sing a song only you can hear.”

―Oscar Wilde

“Love, having no geography, knows no boundaries.”

―Truman Capote

Love Quotes For Him From Romantic Songs

“You’re still the one I run to / the one that I belong to / You’re still the one I want for life.”

―Shania Twain, “You’re Still the One”

“Love was made for me and you.” 

―Nat King Cole, “L-O-V-E”

“When you smile, the whole world stops and stares for a while. Cause you’re amazing, just the way you are.” 

―Bruno Mars, “Just The Way You Are” 

It’s a million things about you, and I don’t know what it is / But I have never known a love like this.” 

―Ben Rector, “Love Like This” 

“At last / my love has come along / My lonely days are over. / And life is like a song.”

―Etta James, “At Last”

All I know at the end of the day/ Is you love who you love, there ain’t no other way/ If there’s something I’ve learnt from a million mistakes/ You’re the one that I want at the end of the day.”

―One Direction, “End Of The Day”

“It’s always better when we’re together.”

—Jack Johnson, “Better Together”

“You’re one of a kind. / Thank God you’re mine.”

―Michael Buble, “Close Your Eyes”

”All that you are is all that I’ll ever need.”

―Ed Sheeran, “Tenerife Sea”

“When the evening shadows / and the stars appear / and there is no one there / to dry your tears / I could hold you for a million years / to make you feel my love.”

―Adele, “Make You Feel My Love” 

“I’m a fool for you and the things you do.” 

―Zayn, “fOoL fOr YoU”

“I’m wonderstruck / Blushing all the way home / I’ll spend forever / Wondering if you knew / I was enchanted to meet you.”

―Taylor Swift, “Enchanted” 

“If you wonder / about the spell I’m under / it’s your love.”

―Tim McGraw and Faith Hill, “Your Love”

“How sweet it is to be loved by you.”

―James Taylor, “How Sweet It Is”

“Baby, I’m amazed at the way you love me all the time / And maybe I’m afraid of the way I love you.”

―Paul McCartney, “Maybe I’m Amazed”

“Cloud nine was always out of reach / Now I remember what it feels like to fly / You give me butterflies.”

―Kacey Musgraves, “Butterflies” 

“I’ll be the rainbow after the tears are gone / wrap you in my colors / and keep you warm.”

–Otis Redding, “That’s How Strong My Love Is”

“You’re the only one that I want. / Think I’m addicted to your light.”

–Beyonce, “Halo”

“It’s you, it’s you, it’s all for you/Everything I do/I tell you all the time/Heaven is a place on earth with you.”

―Lana Del Rey, “Video Games” 

“Take my hand, take my whole life too. For I can’t help falling in love with you.”

―Elvis Presley, “Can’t Help Falling In Love”

“I hope you don’t mind that I put down into words how wonderful life is while you’re in the world.”

―Elton John, “Your Song”

“And on this night, and in this life, I think I’m falling. I’m falling for you. Maybe you change your mind.”

―The 1975, “Falling For You”

“Look at the stars / look how they shine for you…”

―Coldplay, “Yellow”

“I’m so in love with you. / Whatever you want to do is all right with me / cause you make me feel so brand new. / and I want to spend my life with you.”

―Al Green, “Let’s Stay Together”

“Take me to your heart, for it’s there that I belong.”

―Elvis Presley, “Love Me Tender”

“You’re always the first and the last thing on this heart of mine. No matter where I go or what I do, I’m thinking of you.”

―Dierks Bentley, “Thinking of You”

“So come on, come on, come over now and/ Fix me with your grace / ‘Cause I’m not too far, and you’re my favorite place.”

―All Time Low, “Favorite Place”

“Home is wherever I’m with you.”

―Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros, “Home”

“Sweet wonderful you / You make me happy with the things you do / Oh, can it be so / This feeling follows me wherever I go.”

―Fleetwood Mac, “You Make Loving Fun”

“You’re the closest to heaven that I’ll ever be.”

―Goo Goo Dolls, “Iris” 

Short Love Quotes About Soulmates To Awaken The Lover In You

Let these true love quotes serve as proof or a reminder that soulmates exist and that real, romantic love is out there, just waiting to be felt.

“People enter our lives for a season, a reason, or a lifetime.”

Matthew Quick

“Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.”

―Emily Brontë

“A soulmate is someone whom, when you meet, without thinking, without letting your neocortex play into the decision; you feel an instant familiarity, a sense of connection, a longing.”

―Karen Salmansohn

“We don’t meet people by accident. They are meant to cross our path for a reason.”


“Our souls already know each other, don’t they?’ he whispered. ‘It’s our bodies that are new.”

―Karen Ross

“We know that real love is never too much. Real love will scare us because maybe the hearts we have in these bodies aren’t familiar with it. Real love comes in our waiting, and when we least expect it. Real love will spark a fire in us, but will not make us feel burnt out.”

Kelly Peacock

“When you’re lucky enough to meet your one person, then life takes a turn for the best. It can’t get better than that.”

―John Krasinski

“To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides.”

–David Viscott

“A soul mate is not found. A soul mate is recognized.”

–Vironika Tugaleva

“The ingredients for a steadfast friendship are a cup of love, a tablespoon of honesty, and a huge pack of loyalty.”


“You don’t have to ‘try’ to be anything when you are with your soul mate because they are looking for who you are, not for who you are trying to be.”

Kate McGahan

“Only once in your life, I truly believe, you find someone who can completely turn your world around.”

Bob Marley

“…and when one of them meets the other half, the actual half of himself, whether he be a lover of youth or a lover of another sort, the pair are lost in an amazement of love and friendship and intimacy and one will not be out of the other’s sight, as I may say, even for a moment…”


“What greater thing is there for two human souls than to feel that they are joined to strengthen each other, to be at one with each other in silent unspeakable memories.”

―George Eliot

“Love is when he gives you a piece of your soul that you never knew was missing.”

―Torquato Tasso

“I think that if past lives are real, then we have been lovers in every single one of them. I’ve known you for a short time, but I feel like I’ve known you forever.”

―J.A. Redmerski, The Edge of Never

“Because of you, I can feel myself slowly, but surely, becoming the me I have always dreamed of being.”

―Tyler Knott Gregson

“Soulmates are a reward, not a certainty. I think you have to earn them. And I believe, if you’re one of the bastards lucky enough to stumble across yours, that you have to fight for them with everything you have.”

―Julie Johnson

“I knew right away that you were it for me; there were no reservations or second thoughts. I saw you and in an instant knew in my bones, my soul had known your soul lifetimes ago.”

―Beau Taplin

Love Quotes For Him About Love

“A love that lasts a lifetime requires work for a lifetime.”

―Rosie Ravenstein

“We’re all a little weird. And life is a little weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall into mutually satisfying weirdness—and call it love—true love.”

Robert Fulghum, True Love

“Love is missing someone when you’re apart, but somehow feeling warm inside because you’re close in the heart.”

―Kay Knudsen

Real love stories never have endings.”

―Richard Bach

“To love is nothing. To be loved is something. But to love and be loved, that’s everything.”

T. Tolis

“The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart.”

Helen Keller

“A flower cannot blossom without sunshine, and man cannot live without love.”

―Max Muller

“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength while loving someone deeply gives you courage.”

Lao Tzu

“There is no love without forgiveness, and there is no forgiveness without love.”

―Bryant H. McGill

“Remember that the best relationship is one in which your love for each other exceeds your need for each other.”

Dalai Lama XIV

“Lust rushes, but love waits.”

―Bridgett Devoue 

“I love that feeling of being in love, the effect of having butterflies when you wake up in the morning. That is special.”

—Jennifer Aniston

“Love stretches your heart and makes you big inside.”

―Margaret Walker

“Love is not only something you feel; it is something you do.”

―David Wilkerson

“It’s rare to find someone who both feels like home yet gives you butterflies like kissing someone for the first time.”

Leena Sanders

“Love knows not distance; it hath no continent; its eyes are for the stars.”

―Gilbert Parker

“Love is when you meet someone who tells you something new about yourself.”

―Andre Breton

“Marriage, aside from taking a lot of work, challenges the capacity of two people to keep love and fidelity intact in the midst of chaos and rainbows, storm and sunshine, to come.”


“Love does not dominate; it cultivates.”

―Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

“You always gain by giving love.”

―Reese Witherspoon 

“Love doesn’t make the world go ’round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.”

―Franklin P. Jones

“Love should not break you — love should build you. It should encourage you; it should inspire you to be exactly who you have always wanted to be.”

Bianca Sparacino

“There is no charm equal to tenderness of heart.”

Jane Austen 

“If grass can grow through cement, love can find you at every time in your life.”


“Marriage, no matter how hard that journey is, binds you with one person, a friend and lover rolled in one, who will embark with you in every chapter of your life.”


“He’s more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.”

Emily Brontë, Wuthering Heights

“Love doesn’t just sit there, like a stone; it has to be made, like bread; remade all the time, made new.”

Ursula K. Le Guin, The Lathe of Heaven

“Love does not consist of gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction.”

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Airman’s Odyssey

“Love means being a team. Being best friends. Being partners in crime. Love means you’re exactly where you’re meant to be.”

Holly Riordan

“I want to be in a relationship where you telling me you love me is just a ceremonious validation of what you already show me.”

―Steve Maraboli 

“Where there is love, there is life.”

—Mahatma Gandhi

“Love is refusing to bring up the past, even if doing so would be a slam dunk to prove your point. Love is your hand wiping away my tears, trying to erase streaks of mascara. Love is the warm hug that extinguishes an argument.”

Richelle E. Goodrich

“Love doesn’t make the world go ’round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.”

―Franklin P. Jones

“A part of kindness consists in loving people more than they deserve.”

―Joseph Joubert

“Love does not begin and end the way we seem to think it does. Love is a battle; love is a war; love is a growing up.”

―James A. Baldwin

“Wait for a kind of love that will surely last. Love that is pure and real. But take note that it is not easy to find. Only those who persevere will receive it.”


“There is no remedy for love but to love more.”

—Henry David Thoreau

“When we love, we always strive to become better than we are. When we strive to become better than we are, everything about us becomes better too.”

—Paulo Coelho

Love Quotes for Him To Laugh At

Some relationships consist of humor and banter and sarcasm more than cutesy romantic quotes and song lyrics. And what better way to remind your partner that you still like them than with a cheesy pick-up line to make them smile? With that being said, here is a collection of cute pick-up lines and funny love quotes for him to laugh over.

“I promise to always be by your side. Or under you. Or on top.”

“I love you even more than I am annoyed by you. Which is a lot.”

“Did the sun come out, or did you just smile at me?”

“You know it’s love when you want to keep holding hands even after you’re sweaty.”

“I love you in a way that’s nauseating to others.”

“My love for you is like diarrhea; I just can’t hold it in.”

“Love is like a backache; it doesn’t show up on X-rays, but you know it’s there.”

“I love you more than coffee. But please don’t make me prove it.”

“You are my sunshine and rain. Basically, you make me hot and wet.”

“I love you no matter what you do, but do you have to do so much of it?”

“I love you with all my butt. I would say heart, but my butt is bigger.”

“In a room full of art, I’d still stare at you.”

“Date someone who will touch your butt in public when no one else is looking.”

About the author

January Nelson

January Nelson

January Nelson is a writer, editor, and dreamer. She writes about astrology, games, love, relationships, and entertainment. January graduated with an English and Literature degree from Columbia University.